Think back to your elementary school days when school supply shopping was one of the biggest events of the year. We all loved our Lisa Frank folders, Gelly Roll pens, and Spacemaker pencil boxes. Even though those days are over, that doesn’t mean that feeling of having a brand new planner or a perfectly organized desk has to end. Thanks to companies like, Muji, and kikki.K, you can get those school supply butterflies all over again. We talked to 10 women who are making waves in their industries about their essential work accessories. From items that keep them on track to the trinkets that brighten up a long day, these are the products they need to have on their desks.

Trisha Okubo, Founder of Maison Miru Jewelry

“I have a thing for fresh flowers. I find I do my best work when I’m in an environment that I love, and there’s something so nurturing about a vase of fresh blooms. The luscious velvety petals and the wild shapes in vibrant colors just bring me back to nature, even when I’m sitting in the middle of the hustle and bustle of New York’s Garment District. And as Alexander McQueen famously said, ‘There is no better designer than nature.’”

Abigail Cook Stone, Founder of Otherland Candles

“My pink legal pad, which I get from Amazon! I’ve found my to-do list is most effective when I keep an open-faced notepad right next to my laptop. It’s coverless, so instead of flipping through pages of a notebook, I can look right down and see what’s up next or write down a passing brainwave to come back to later. While admittedly very Elle Woods, the pale pink color adds a bit of whimsy to a boring everyday item! I also love lighting a candle when I start my work. It’s a great ritual to bring you into the present moment and create intention as you engage in your work session. The added ambiance and scent make slaying emails a little more interesting!”

Lauren Berger, author and Founder of Intern Queen

“Ready Snax–I’m always on the hunt for the perfect on-the-go snack to ‘get it together’ (like my book says—HA). I found these at the grocery store the other day and it’s the perfect all-in-one snack (grapes, carrots, cheese, and pretzels). I literally have an empty one on my desk right now. And my new Dell XPS 13 laptop, because it’s small, rose gold, and has a beautiful white keyboard.”

Dr. Kathleen Dass, Allergist Immunologist

A painted wood sign with the words ‘She believed she could so she did,’  which was gifted to me by my sister. I started Michigan Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center one year ago to provide evidence-based one-on-one care. The solo practice was started only one year out of my allergy immunology fellowship training. Starting my own practice is by far the hardest task I’ve ever set out to accomplish. But, as the saying goes, I believed I could so I did. And wow did I! This statement is a motivating motto that gets me through even the toughest moments.”

Bethany Tran, Founder of The Root Collective

A wall cork board–I need to keep my big goals and dreams in my face all of the time so I can constantly be reminded of my ‘why.’ I have a cork board right by my desk with some of my big life goals so on the hard days, I can remind myself why it’s so important to keep going.”

Robbin Mangano, Founder of R Public Relations

“My favorite work accessory is the app Texture, which I have on both my iPhone and iPad. Texture allows you to access over 200 magazines, such as Coastal Living, Vogue, AFAR, Entrepreneur, and more. I work in the media and influencer industry, so I often have to access the print versions of magazines. Texture makes it super easy for me to ‘flip’ through a magazine on the go, without having to search for the print version at a local newsstand. Plus, it saves me money on multiple print subscriptions!” 

 Joni Sweet, Freelance Writer

These Staedtler pens are critical for helping me stay organized. No, not because I color-coordinate my calendar (I can only dream of having that caliber of organization). It’s because they’re so fun to write with that I am motivated to make lots of to-do lists, write all kinds of notes in my bullet journal, and have a rainbow calendar that sparks joy when I see it. When I look at my colorful pens lined up like little soldiers on my desk, I am instantly motivated to take hold of my tasks and get stuff done.” 

Savannah Hayes, Textile Designer and Founder of Savannah Hayes Studio

“My favorite desk accessory is my Keurig coffee maker. I work out of a home studio, on the third floor, and was always going back down to the kitchen for coffee. Then a lightbulb went off, and I invested in a coffee machine for my studio! I find I’m actually more productive because I’m not constantly leaving my workspace, and I love the smell that lingers after the first cup is made.”

Arielle Egozi, Content Director and Sex and Feminist Writer

“My desk at home is covered in crystals, vibrators, and well-designed lube bottles, thanks to the industry I work in. At the office though, I keep a drawing my 4-year-old sister made me right by my computer. It reminds me who I’m doing the work for, and to stay humble. Success is nothing if you aren’t grounded in reality, and if there’s no real purpose behind it.”

Deborah Sweeney, CEO of

“My favorite desk accessory is my bottle of vitamins. Make that several bottles of vitamins, actually. (Gummy ones!) I take them periodically throughout the day. It’s a good break to pause and go the extra mile for my health. I never need to worry that I have forgotten to take them when they’re literally right next to my computer screen.”