Tessa Benson
Deputy Director of Apiary for Practical Support
The Roe Report

Welcome back to The Roe Report. Today, we’re talking about how we can support others during this tumultuous time. Deputy Director of Apiary for Practical Support Tessa Benson (she/they) gives advice on how to get involved, the importance of donating locally, and why Auntie Networks aren’t the solution Reddit and Twitter think they are.
If we’re based in a state where abortion is legal and accessible, how can we help someone seeking an abortion where it’s illegal, about to be illegal, or hostile to abortion access?
Folks in states where abortion is still legal and accessible should continue supporting their local or state-based organizations, which have very likely already begun supporting an influx of out-of-state clients. The legal landscape, especially with regards to practical support, is murky, and orgs in hostile states are working tirelessly to assess their programming. The landscape is changing rapidly and there’s a lot of confusion about the status of abortion clinics in different states—no matter where you are, you can go to ineedana.com to learn more about the legal landscape in your state and whether clinics are open, as well as find the nearest open clinics if the ones in your area are closed.
So, how can we get involved in already existing orgs or advocacy groups?
You can find a list of existing practical support organizations here. Most organizations have instructions on their websites and social media for how to get involved, which usually requires filling out a volunteer application or signing up for a newsletter to get notified at a later time. It is especially important that people who want to volunteer or offer other kinds of support do not call/text the hotlines or fill out online intake forms meant for clients—doing so can interfere with the organization’s ability to respond to their clients who are seeking support. It may take some time before the org is able to get back to interested volunteers, but sit tight! They’re working to stabilize and increase their capacity to mobilize more community members. Interested volunteers will also need to go through a screening and training process before they’re able to start offering support.
In terms of donating, which orgs need funds? Is it more helpful to pick a state and dedicate your funds there, or spread it out through various organizations?
We’re encouraging people to donate and support locally whenever and however they can—the need, quite simply, is everywhere, even in your local community. We also understand that people want to do more than donate money—they want to offer their spare bedroom, they want to provide rides to and from clinics, etc. While we acknowledge and appreciate these generous offers, if done outside of the established ecosystem and without client-centered consideration and care, it may cause more harm than good. Organizations will need sustained support for years to come, and if people are able to become monthly donors, they can help ensure that organizations can continue to operate. Donating funds is an incredible way to invest in the leadership and expertise of movement workers, especially of Black, Indigenous, and other people of color who have been doing this work for decades.
What are other things that might be causing more harm than good?
Many people are just learning about practical support and the organizations that provide it to people seeking abortions—welcome! We want to note, however, that though this moment feels like a new emergency to some, it has been a decades-long crisis for many. The clinics and organizations on the ground providing direct services have been maneuvering different iterations of this crisis for years, and it is especially important for all newcomers to follow their lead. They have gone to incredible lengths to ensure that client safety is of paramount importance in their programming and have refined their systems to reflect being client-centered, trauma-informed, and collaborative in nature.
When people and groups self-organize outside of this ecosystem, they may not be fully aware of all the ramifications of providing practical support, and it can put not only themselves but the pregnant people they’re supporting in harm’s way. We are especially concerned about groups that are organizing on social media—we ask that these groups take some time to pause, learn about the organizations and infrastructure that is already in place, listen to what those orgs are asking for at this moment, and then plug into the work in appropriate ways.
Can you talk a bit about Auntie Networks? They’re going viral and we’re seeing that they might be dangerous. Should we just avoid them altogether?
One of the biggest safety concerns we have with groups that are organizing online is that it’s unclear the kind of screening systems they have in place—both for the people offering support and those seeking it. There are many concerns about surveillance with online groups, especially those that are organized on mainstream social media platforms. Clinics, practical support organizations, and abortion funds have deeply collaborative relationships and ways that they work together to ensure that volunteers and clients are not undercover antis trying to infiltrate and cause harm—unfortunately, anti-abortion extremists have and will continue to sink to these tactics.
We strongly recommend that everyone—people who want to offer support and people who are seeking support—get in touch with verified, established organizations. Again, you can find trusted clinics and organizations at ineedana.com.
To find out even more ways to help, check out the links below:
–Do’s and Dont’s of helping people access abortion
–5 ways to channel your fear & anger into supporting reproductive rights
–How to turn your Roe despair into meaningful action