☀️ + 😉 = bev heaven.

Jordan Schenck (she/her) is the co-founder of Sunwink, a line of superfood tonics and powders that taste delish and have amazing health benefits. (Seriously, their Detox Greens—which launched today—have been giving us so much energy every morning.)

Below, the 34-year-old shares her personal take on wellness, lists her favorite superfoods, and gives some business advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

So, what does wellness mean to you?
I’m pregnant, so it means something really different to me right now. I live for napping, reading, walking, talking to my baby, and caring for my community. But I think wellness is personal to each individual and constantly changing. The best way to develop a practice is asking yourself questions like: What relaxes me? What makes me laugh? What’s important to my body? What’s important to my community? One way I take care of myself is to spend as much time outdoors as possible. This can be as simple as watching a sunrise or sunset, or as extreme as going on week-long backpacking adventures. I try not to fuss with too many trends or rituals—it’s all about plants for me.

Have you always been passionate about wellness?
It wasn’t until I turned 30 and was fully burnt out that I even started thinking about taking care of myself. I even got shingles during a really intense period of time at work. My body was literally screaming at me to make a change.

What are your thoughts on toxic wellness culture, aka the idea that we need to have a laundry list of habits and rituals to actually “be well?”
I couldn’t agree more that it’s toxic. All of the Instagram routines are more about what you aren’t keeping up with vs. acknowledging and celebrating the beautiful differences in everyone’s journey. The pop culture practice of wellness often erases experience and diversity with a prescriptive assumption of what the trends coming out of LA tell you.

Ok, what really is a superfood?
A superfood is a plant packed with greater nutritive or functional benefits than others. This can range from fiber to polyphenols to antioxidants and more. My favorites are ones that provide digestive support, like chicory root, burdock root, and dandelion root.

BTW, we saw Sunwink at Whole Foods the other day! How’d you feel when you got into your first big retailer?
Extremely excited and also terrified. We had to grow as a business quickly to support the demands of large retailers across the US. That feeling never gets old with every new national account we open.

What advice would you give women looking to start a business in the wellness space?
It isn’t easy, and everyone will tell you that (often more than you want to hear). But it’s important to honor how much fun you’re having, even when you don’t realize it. On the toughest days, I always remind myself that this experience is exhilarating, comedic, and challenging in all the best ways.