Serena Fucking Kerrigan
Content Creator
5 Minutes With...

“Tell me about it, stud.”
That’s what we’re saying to Serena Fucking Kerrigan (she/her)—aka the Queen of Confidence—as she shares the deets behind her new collection with STUDS, how she started her confidence journey, and tips you can start using today to start yours.
What does confidence mean to you?
Being your own best friend.
Have you always been confident or did you learn it with practice?
I have not. We’re all born with confidence, but the way we view ourselves becomes infected by society’s perceptions as we grow up, so we have to learn how to re-access it. I started doing so when I was 18.
Why 18?
That’s when I changed my middle name to “Fucking.” I wanted to reinvent myself; hype myself up, like, “You’re Serena Fucking Kerrigan. Walk into that room and be that bitch.” Creating that persona was really helpful, so much that I decided to start helping other women with their confidence journey.
What’s your favorite success story from being a confidence coach?
I have a lot of them. This weekend, for example, my friend was telling me about some issues she’s having and I said, “Well, have you talked to yourself in the mirror?” So she started doing it in front of me and then started crying. She was like, “It’s so powerful.” When you let go of the idea that it’s awkward or weird and finally start doing it, you begin to change your entire relationship with yourself. Just get in front of the mirror and say to your reflection, “You are the fucking shit.” We always make other people feel loved and appreciated, so why not do it for ourselves?
What’s something you do to boost your confidence when you’re feeling low?
It’s all about standing in front of the mirror and seeing yourself as the main character. One of my favorite pieces in my new collection with STUDS is the hoop earring because on the inside it says “Do it for the plot.” It’s about seeing your life as a movie, taking risks, and doing what makes you happy. And if it doesn’t work out, that’s okay, because it was all for the plot.
That’s so cute! What’s another piece you’re loving?
The “fucks” stud—it’s an absolute must. I love the idea of spinning something negative into something positive. Obviously, we were all taught to believe “fuck” is a bad word, but I decided to turn it on its head and make it something empowering. That’s why it’s literally my name. I fuck, you fuck, this collection fucks (clearly!).
Do you have any fun holiday plans you’ll be wearing these to?
I’m not gonna lie to you—I have a hard time during the holidays because there’s this idea that everyone should be super happy when in reality, a lot of shit comes up with family or feeling lonely or being cold. That’s why it was important for me to create something that would make you feel excited regardless of where you are or who you’re with; something that’ll make you have the confidence to “do it for the plot.”
If there’s one thing our readers can do right now to start their confidence journey, what would it be?
Remove any negative descriptions of yourself from your vocabulary. It’s fine to say, “I feel frustrated. I feel shitty about myself,” because feelings go away. But when you say, “I am,” that’s when you cement your identity. So avoid saying phrases like “I am ugly” or “I am stupid.” Remember: You are in charge of your own narrative.
Ready to channel SFK and show up as the main character this holiday season? 💁♀️ Take 30% off sitewide at STUDS for a limited time only.