Lauren Bosworth
Founder and CEO of Love Wellness
Meet and Greet

“It’s all in your head.” You can go ahead and add that to the top 3 list of things we hate to hear at the doctor’s office. It’s also what prompted Lauren Bosworth, founder and CEO of Love Wellness, to start her own wellness company.
“I started Love Wellness in the midst of a personal health journey to be well and find better, safer solutions for common women’s health problems. In 2015, I was dealing with debilitating anxiety and depression while simultaneously experiencing recurrent UTIs, yeast infections, and neurological symptoms like brain fog,” she recalls. As it turns out, a simple vitamin deficiency was to blame for many of her symptoms. Hating how isolated she felt and wanting to push back against the taboo of talking about these things, she founded Love Wellness, which is “backed by experts who provide education for our community of women and give them a platform to ask questions and learn more about their bodies with zero shame or stigma.”
Read on to find out how Lo starts her day—vitamins included.
What time do you usually wake up?
I usually wake up at around 7 A.M. to my Hatch alarm clock. I love it because it uses a combination of light and sound—which is so much better than a traditional alarm which jolts me awake with a surge of cortisol. That is not what I need first thing in the morning.
What’s the first thing you do out of bed?
I’m super mindful about my social media use, so I’ll check social, email, and my calendar for about 15 minutes to wrap my mind around the day’s tasks before hopping out of bed to do a quick at-home bodyweight workout like obé. (We love them, too!) I also love The Class by Taryn Toomey and have a mini putting green, so it’s really a wildcard as to what I feel like doing that day!
What’s your morning routine like?
At around 7:30 A.M. I chug a big glass of water, take my Good Girl Probiotics and Sparkle Fiber, and do a quick 5 minutes of dry brushing (I love the one from goop) before hopping in the shower. For hair, I love dae shampoo and conditioner, and for body, I make sure to use our fragrance-free, OB/GYN-recommended, pH Balancing Cleanser. Afterward, I’ll apply some retinol body cream and do a simple makeup look before getting dressed for the day.
What do you have for breakfast?
For breakfast, I do something simple, like gluten-free oats and organic eggs, usually at around 8:30 A.M. I’m not a fan of sweet foods to start the day, so I love making a breakfast salad or a breakfast bowl with vegetables and protein.
Do you have a go-to outfit or style?
At 8 A.M. I start getting dressed. I keep it “smart casual,” with a great pair of jeans and a simple sweater or t-shirt most days, unless I have a big meeting or press interview. In that case, I’ll go for a good blazer and slacks or a power suit if I’m feeling really fancy.
How do vitamins and supplements play into your daily routine?
In addition to mindful movement and following an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle, I keep a steady rotation of probiotics and supplements to support overall wellness. Did you know that the gut, brain, and vagina are connected by a pathway called the GBV axis? Basically, the bacteria in your gut, brain, and vagina talk to each other and influence how the other functions, so it’s possible if one of them is out of whack, you can experience symptoms in other areas. There is a whole section in my book where experts break down the science of it all.
When do you start work?
As a wellness company, it’s important to me that we practice what we preach so I am super protective of not only my time, but my team’s time, too. My work-life balance looked very different in the 2 years I was running the business on my own, but for our team of 30+ today, the work day starts at 9:30 A.M. and ends at 5:30 P.M.