As a content creator, I often struggle with the feeling of being stuck. Stuck at the same follower count, stuck within my niche, stuck not knowing what kind of video to make next. It feels like I’m permanently at the top of the roller coaster but it refuses to drop—like I’m on the verge of something exhilarating but something’s keeping me from taking the leap.

Luckily, I recently found a tool that gave me the extra push I needed to free-fall. It turns out all my problems were rooted in a lack of vision, a lack of knowing my “why.” You can’t get what you want if you don’t know what it is, after all. That’s why I started using The Human Being Journal. Created by Sheba Zaidi (she/her) and Genevive Savundranayagam (she/her), co-founders of Mahara Mindfulness, it helps you figure out your long-term goals so you know what short-term actions to take. And every month, it keeps you accountable for those actions so you don’t fall off-track. (The roller coaster metaphor continues.) Sheba says, “Our intention is to help people unlock their purpose and close the gap between where they are and where they want to be.” I’ll take one key, please. ☝️

The co-founders created the journal after seeing people around them struggling with stress and anxiety but lacking the tools to manage it. They’d both been avid journalers since they were kids, so they knew it was one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to help manage mental health. “When we’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, putting our thoughts on paper can help us process our emotions and release pent-up feelings,” Genevive says, “But it’s also a powerful tool for self-reflection. By gaining insights into our behaviors and patterns, we develop the self-awareness needed to work towards our personal goals.” Because even if you think you know what you need to do, there’s something about putting it in writing that (quite literally) makes it tangible. “If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that you can’t hack your way to a dream life. Ending up somewhere beautiful requires thoughtful examination,” says Sheba. As a left-brainer and Type A person, I couldn’t agree more.

But those same personality traits mean I also have a tendency to get so stuck in the planning phase that I forget to do. Sheba and Genevive are aware of this pitfall; they call it “planning paralysis.” That’s why The Human Being Journal is set up to help you bridge those 2 stages. “Early in the journal, we help people get clear on their vision and create an action plan around it, as well as identify what their bottlenecks are so they can easily overcome them,” says Genevive. Basically, it sets you up for success from the very beginning.

And if you’re thinking, “Ugh, I hate journaling. It’s just not my thing.” Sheba’s advice is: just start. “Once you begin, you might fall in love with the process of learning more about yourself and develop a rich relationship with your inner world.” I can definitely say I did, so if you decide to try the journal out, I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me.

Here’s to turning potential energy kinetic.

Weeeee 🎢,
Ale Mayr, associate editor of branded content