The Aquarius full moon on August 1st will have a releasing effect on your social life, urging you to finally move on from any negative influences orbiting your sphere. August 12th promises to bring healing your way, making it important that you honor and prioritize your emotional, creative, and mental needs. Make a vow to try something new during the Leo new moon on August 16th, honing in on your most creative whims. You’ll sense a shift once Virgo season kicks off on August 23rd, pushing you to reconnect with health and wellness goals. Casual connections could grow into something more once Mars enters Libra on August 27th, promising to bring passion to your love life.  


Boundaries may be tested during the Aquarius full moon on August 1st, which will have a rebellious impact on the collective. While these vibes are perfect for breaking through restrictive situations and patterns, you should avoid the urge to challenge authority figures within your professional sphere. Plan on connecting with family or childhood friends during the Leo new moon on August 16th, though you may also feel called to reparent yourself. A playful ambiance takes hold as Virgo season kicks off on August 23rd, promising to close out your summer with plenty of friendship, fun, and creativity. Just remember to maintain a healthy schedule once Mars enters Libra on August 27th.


Invest in your spirituality during the Aquarius full moon on August 1st, which is poised to be one of the luckiest and philosophically fulfilling days of the year for you. The Leo new moon on August 16th presents opportunities to mentally reset, making it important that you find ways to cleanse your mind, heart, and soul. Bring more organization to your home once Virgo season emerges on August 23rd, which is a good time to tidy up your space. This cosmic climate can also help you break free from unhealthy patterns you were born into, making it important that you invest in reparenting yourself from a place of compassion and grace. 


August 1st kicks off with an emotional purge, as the Aquarius full moon activates the sector of your chart that governs death and rebirth. You won’t be able to hide from what your heart and mind have to say, and issues within your personal or professional relationships could come into focus, asking you to reconsider where your loyalties lie. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to even out during the Leo new moon on August 16th, redirecting your focus toward grounding and creating stable foundations. Connect with your spirituality during the Pisces blue moon on August 30th, ushering in luck and love from the other side. 


Your love life will see some movement during the Aquarius full moon on August 1st, which promises to strengthen strong dynamics, though weaker connections may come to an end. Meanwhile, Venus continues her retrograde journey through your sign, asking you to revisit unresolved issues within matters of the heart. Be sure to make a special birthday wish during the Leo new moon on August 16th, reconnecting with your hopes and aspirations. Be mindful of your spending once Mercury stations retrograde on August 23rd, and be sure to ground often throughout the coming weeks. Passion will drive you once Mars enters Libra on August 27th, nudging you to follow your gut. 


Touch base with your physical self during the Aquarius full moon on August 1st, as the stars urge you to dramatically cut ties with behaviors that don’t support your overall health. Brace yourself for messy social situations and miscommunications when Mercury stations direct on August 23rd, acting as one of the most challenging periods of the year for you. Financial security climbs to the top of your priorities when Mars enters Libra on August 27th, accentuating the importance of pursuing your desires. Be sure to carve out time for romance and self-care under the Pisces blue moon on August 30th, bringing forth a compassionate energy that’s perfect for emotional exchange. 


With your planetary ruler, Venus, deep in the throes of its retrograde journey, you may begin to take stock of your social sphere. This planetary backspin is perfect for reviving old relationships, though you should proceed with caution when it comes to dishing out second chances. You’ll crave solitude once Virgo season kicks off on August 23rd, understanding that introspection is the only true way to fully understand yourself. Meanwhile, Mercury stations retrograde on this very same day, and mistakes from the past may suddenly come back into focus. Luckily, you’ll be in a unique position to find closure, though you’ll need to take accountability for your own actions and patterns. 


Brace yourself for changes at home during the Aquarius full moon on August 1st, urging you to make necessary adjustments within your private life. Meanwhile, the Leo new moon on August 16th could have you pondering new career paths, making it important that you’re honest with yourself about where you are and where you want to be. The activist within will stir as Virgo season kicks off on August 23rd, pushing you to make this world a better place, though you should avoid toxic debates with people who don’t share your moral or political views. Privacy will be a priority once Mars enters Libra on August 27th, inspiring you to fly under the radar. 


Your words will have major impacts during the Aquarius full moon on August 1st, though the unpredictable nature of this astrological event suggests you may want to meditate on your message before sharing it. August 16th marks one of the most sacred days of the year for you, as the Leo new moon urges you to find gratitude while flexing your manifestation skills. Your focus will shift toward the material realms and how to get ahead once Virgo season kicks off on August 23rd, asking you to back up your dreams with hard work. Consider investing in the betterment of your community once Mars enters Libra on August 27th, promoting political activism and social networking. 


The Aquarius full moon on August 1st brings a strong desire for luxury and leisure, though the unpredictable nature of this astrological event suggests now might not be the best time for major spending. New commitments could come into focus during the Leo new moon on August 16th, though with Venus traveling backward through our skies, you may want to think twice before committing your heart to anyone who doesn’t meet your needs. Unleash the mystic within once Virgo season kicks off on August 23rd, activating the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. Meanwhile, Mercury stations retrograde on this very same day, helping wishes you made long ago to manifest. 


The full moon rises in your sign on August 1st, shining a cosmic spotlight in your direction. Though your popularity will be heightened, this astrological event could cause you to feel more sensitive and emotional than usual, making it important that you surround yourself with people who are supportive and help you feel safe. The Leo new moon on August 16th offers a chance for fresh starts within matters of the heart, though you should be mindful of who you give your energy to, using this lunation as a chance to reflect on what you desire in a partner and whether or not your needs are being met. 


The vibe will be charged during the Aquarius full moon on August 1st, making it a good time to curl up under the covers while hiding away from the world. Deep seated emotions could bubble up in unexpected ways, making it important that you hold space for yourself to heal and relax. Luckily, a more harmonious and controlled energy takes hold once Virgo season kicks off on August 23rd, helping you reclaim a sense of order and balance. You’ll feel inspired to clear dead weight from your life once Mars enters Libra on August 27th, asking you to get serious about personal transformation.