Jessica Iclisoy
You Asked We Answered

If you’re a parent looking to create a safe and effective skincare routine for your little one, Jessica Iclisoy (she/her), founder and CEO of California Baby, has got you covered. Inspired by her mission to eliminate harmful chemicals from baby products, she’s built a brand that parents trust. Just ahead, Jessica shares her top tips for keeping your baby’s skin healthy and happy with her clean, simple, and gentle products. Let’s dive in and discover how to give your baby the best start with a nurturing skincare routine. Gotta start ‘em young, right?
What inspired you to start California Baby, and how has the brand evolved since its inception?
My inspiration came from outrage that known carcinogens were being used in baby products. The rationale was, it’s a small amount and it gets rinsed off. This was unacceptable to me. My curiosity led me to research ingredients in the library and to create my “fantasy product”in my kitchen at home—and in 1995 California Baby was born. The brand has grown, but our core tenets remain the same. For thirty years our brand promise has been to be the leader in safety, efficacy, and quality for all families and for our environment.
Can you share the key principles behind California Baby’s approach to creating safe and effective skincare products for babies?
Using the best, safest ingredients possible is the first key principle. Our ingredients are sourced from American and European suppliers that have been meticulously researched and vetted for purity and safety. I am the chief formulator; every product has my stamp of approval and I use every single one of our products. I rely heavily on my brand integrity manager, whose job it is to vet and approve the ingredients we use based on an extensive list we have compiled over 30 years. The list covers toxicity, common allergens, how the ingredient is processed (must not be synthetic and be environmentally friendly), plus a whole host of other considerations. Many times we make our own ingredients because they do not exist in the marketplace. So we innovate, develop, test and make every one of our products ourselves in our FDA registered and certified organic facility in Los Angeles. Our quality control testing is very extensive and goes way above the industry norm.
What are the essential steps in a daily skincare routine for a baby, and which California Baby products would you recommend for each step?
For newborns, I suggest you keep the routine very simple and never use products with added fragrance. Newborns need to bond with their parents’ scent, so for the first six months, go no fragrance. Also, keep bathing to a minimum. I recommend keeping the diaper area clean with a simple rinse of water, or for heavier duty cleaning, use our Super Sensitive Shampoo & Bodywash, or for simple #1 and #2 clean ups, our Diaper Area Wash is great. I like to use our certified organic Super Sensitive (no added fragrance) Body Oil as a protective layer all over the body. Our Super Sensitive Diaper Ointment adds a protective layer between pee and poo, which can be irritating to the skin and cause diaper rash. Otherwise, just keep it very simple.
At around six months, you can add in scent. Again, no synthetic fragrances. At California Baby, we only use our essential oils that we test for purity because toxic synthetics are commonly added to increase profits. I recommend starting with our Calming products, because French lavender is very soothing and gentle. Also, I recommend our Eucalyptus Ease products in case a baby gets a cold or stuffy nose and needs some relief. The eucalyptus helps to open breathing passages naturally.
Can you provide some tips on how to properly cleanse a baby’s skin without causing irritation or dryness?
First, no scrubbing. Our Diaper Area Wash is a gentle blend of calendula and witch hazel (non-alcohol) and can be used from head to toe. Use a soft wash cloth to wipe/dry. You can use our gentle bubble baths as a diluted wash in the bathtub. Spot cleanse any places that need it, then rinse and moisturize with our lotions, creams, or oils depending on need or preference.
Are there any particular ingredients or product types parents should avoid when building a skincare routine for their baby?
Eliminate synthetic fragrance (listed on the label as ‘fragrance’ or ‘natural fragrance’) from your life and definitely do not use products that contain fragrance on your baby. They are known carcinogens and endocrine (hormone) disruptors. Never use aerosol sunscreens on your baby. They are very toxic. Keep it simple and just the basics. Your baby doesn’t need a skin care routine per se. Keeping a close eye on baby’s skin will guide you on what is needed when.
Can you explain the importance of using sunscreen on babies, and what factors parents should consider when choosing a baby-safe sunscreen?
Babies should be out of the sun for the first six months–seek shade. When sunscreen is needed, choose a mineral-based sunscreen, like titanium dioxide or zinc. These sit on top of the skin, create a barrier, and scatter and reflect the sun’s rays. The non-active ingredients in the product are very important too. So look those up and make sure they are non-toxic. Don’t forget hot spots, like the top of feet hanging out of a stroller. Never use chemical-based sunscreens, they are toxic with harsh and hormone-disrupting chemicals.
How can parents manage and treat common skin issues in babies, such as diaper rash, eczema, or cradle cap?
You have to play detective. The skin is talking to you, telling you what’s happening inside the body. Understand that some things, like cradle cap, are temporary and part of normal development, so you just need to support the skin by helping to moisturize and gently massage to help remove the buildup. My biggest advice is don’t panic and don’t be tempted to throw the kitchen sink at the problem by using a lot of different products, which can (and will) make it worse. The Eastern Medicine approach looks at the whole person and they believe eczema is tied to stress. So, look at the stress level in the home and try to reduce it. Also, look at diet and lifestyle. We live in a more and more toxic world, so certified organic food, preferably from your local farmers market, is a must. Natural, non-synthetic clothing made with natural dyes are preferred. Having a baby gives you the opportunity to clean up your lifestyle to make it as non-toxic as possible.
Any overarching advice you’d give to new parents who are just starting to think of a skincare routine for their baby?
Keep it simple. Absolutely no synthetic fragrance or chemical sunscreens. Only use natural products by trusted companies that are knowledgeable, not just marketing companies or celebrities wanting a piece of your dollar. Look for companies that independently lab-test their products for safety, efficacy and for toxins. Enjoy your baby! Know that you have the inherent knowledge to take care of your baby. Mother Nature is more powerful than any marketer. Trust your instincts. You got this!