Though it may not be rising under your sign, it’s okay to make the Leo new moon on August 4th about you, especially if you’ve felt overlooked and undervalued recently. Consider calling in favors throughout the coming weeks as Venus moves into Virgo this very same day, nudging you to embrace teamwork, even when you’re used to operating independently.

Meanwhile, Mercury stations retrograde in your house of health and wellness. If it’s been a while since you visited the doctor or dentist, be sure to schedule your next appointment sooner than later. Think before speaking once Mercury regresses into Leo on August 14th, especially when dealing with big egos, as major clashes and miscommunications could easily unfold. Use the Aquarius full moon on August 22nd to examine your reliance on technology, and be sure to update any passwords or pages that haven’t been refreshed in a while. Mercury stations direct on August 28th, which could lead to blowouts if issues have been brewing under the surface, though things should start to clear up shortly thereafter. Venus enters Libra on August 29th, marking one of the most romantic periods of the year for you. 


The Leo new moon brings emotional refreshment on August 4th, asking you to consider how you can be kinder, gentler, and more supportive of yourself. Meanwhile, Venus’ debut into Virgo could usher in whirlwind romances, while also inspiring you to follow through on creative projects. Mercury stations retrograde this very same day, which could cause you to question certain friendships. You may also require more downtime at home once Mercury backslides into Leo on August 14th, putting you in nesting mode. Avoid retrograde drama by using this energy to catch up on chores and invest in your space, but avoid purchasing furniture or appliances if possible. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities to shatter the glass ceiling under the Aquarius full moon on August 19th, which could seriously revolutionize your professional standing. Watch out for family drama when Mercury stations direct on August 22nd, threatening to bring heated issues to a boiling point. The vibe shifts when Venus makes her debut into Libra on August 29th, inspiring you to glamorize your routines and wellness practices. 


The ideas your mind cooks up under the Leo new moon on August 4th could map out new pathways for the next six months, so be sure to take notes when brilliance strikes. Meanwhile, Venus moves into perceptive Virgo, giving you an intuitive edge within matters of the heart. This energy is also great for hosting more functions at home, reinvesting in your most intimate bonds. Mercury stations retrograde this very same day, which could trigger frustrations over lost items or chore imbalances amongst housemates. You may need to revisit issues that haven’t been fully hashed out once Mercury backslides into Leo on August 14th, presenting opportunities to correct social tensions. The Aquarius full moon on August 19th brings luck your way, and you will need to step up if opportunities suddenly arise. Mercury ends its retrograde journey on August 28th, clearing up any confusion that’s found you recently. Lusty vibes flow once Venus enters Libra on August 29th, helping you turn up the heat within matters of the heart. This energy can also raise your vibration as a creative, so be sure to focus on manifesting your artistic visions. 


Be smart with your bank account during the Leo new moon on August 4th, getting into the nitty gritty of outlining monthly costs, budgeting for bigger purchases, and canceling subscriptions you no longer use. You’ll need all the financial cushioning you can get during Mercury’s retrograde journey, which could lead to unexpected expenses and begins this very same day. Meanwhile, Venus migrates into Virgo, bringing harmony to the mind when you put love first. You may also experience more flirtatious encounters, though you’ll have a keen eye for red flags. Mercury reenters Leo on August 14th, asking you to find more simplicity. The Aquarius full moon brings a make or break energy to your relationships and commitments, which could get a little messy if impulses aren’t checked. Mercury stations direct on August 28th, granting permission to splurge if you’ve been responsible with your spending. Your eye for interior design could shift when Venus enters Libra on August 29th, putting you in the mood to bring coziness to your space. This planetary placement also merges romance with the home, which could lead to discussions or decisions around cohabitation. 


You’ll have a chance for clean breaks and fresh starts when the new moon rises in your sign on August 4th, stirring desires from deep within as you focus on next steps. Luckily, Venus’ debut into Virgo brings major aid to these manifestation goals, but you’ll need to get organized and be prepared to work hard. Take care to finish up existing projects before starting new ones when Mercury stations retrograde this same day, asking you to perfect your craft. Proceed with caution before making any public statements or presenting work once Mercury re-enters your sign on August 14th, which could lead to embarrassing blunders or missteps. Luckily, you’ll feel loved and supported without restriction under the Aquarius full moon on August 19th, helping you shake off ego bruises. This astrological event will also be highly romantic, so be sure to honor your heart. Mercury ends its retrograde motion on August 28th, giving you the courage to embrace the limelight once more. Your flirty side shines through when Venus enters Libra on August 29th, putting you in the mood to connect. 


Focus on healing deep wounds under the Leo new moon on August 4th, which highlights the duality between dark and light. Luckily, Venus enters your sign this very same day, helping you feel more supported, harmonious, and at ease. This planetary placement also supports your manifestation and romantic goals throughout the coming weeks. Meanwhile, Mercury stations retrograde, which could inspire you to change your mind and image. Your thoughts will feel busier once Mercury backslides into Leo on August 14th, and it may be helpful to speak with an advisor or therapist as the stars dust up personal history. Analyze your relationship with work under the Aquarius full moon on August 19th, acknowledging if you’ve been pushing yourself too far and if it’s time to initiate change. Mercury stations direct on August 28th, building up mental resilience in the coming days. You’ll become highly connected with nature, beauty, and all things sweet once Venus enters Libra on August 29th, so don’t be afraid to open your heart. 


It’s all about connections under the Leo new moon on August 4th, and the networking you do on this day can dramatically change your course throughout the next six months. You’ll feel like hiding away with your bestie or that special someone as Venus enters Virgo that very same day, inspiring you to bare your soul amongst those who are safe. Just be sure to fully consider which secrets you want to share while Mercury stations retrograde, and take care not to spill info that isn’t yours to divulge. Clean up your online profiles once Mercury backslides into Leo on August 14th, or immature posts and comments from the past could come back to haunt you. You won’t be in the mood to pretend for others during the Aquarius full moon on August 19th, unleashing your fiercest, most independent, and intellectually charged self. Circle back to any fresh connections you made earlier in the month once Mercury stations direct on August 28th, and be sure to follow up on any professional or social inquiries you’ve made but have yet to hear back on. Venus, your planetary ruler, glides into your sign on August 29th, putting you at the top of your game. 


The Leo new moon elevates your popularity on August 4th, and it would be wise to consider how this attention can be harnessed to improve your professional standing while chasing major goals. You’ll continue to win the affections of strangers throughout the coming weeks as Venus begins her journey through Virgo, and increased online activity can help your pages go viral. Just be sure to triple check your work before posting it online when Mercury stations retrograde this very same day, which could lead to typos, errors, and miscommunications. Revamp your resume and professional pages when Mercury regresses into Leo on August 14th, even if you’re not on the hunt for new work. You could get surprising news about your colleagues or professional path when Mercury stations direct on August 28th, revealing what’s been lingering beneath the surface. Seek more therapeutic activities when Venus enters Libra on August 29th, asking you to take a deep dive into self-care. Now is also a good time to be honest about your romantic patterns, giving yourself space to heal from old relationship traumas. 


You’ll have the most to feel grateful for under the Leo new moon on August 4th, though it’ll be important that you continue to expand your horizons and reach for more. Your love life will feel more grown up when Venus enters Virgo this very same day, and you’ll need a responsible partner in order to feel safe. Meanwhile, Mercury stations retrograde, asking you to rework personal boundaries and structures throughout the coming weeks. Keep a close line on your spirituality once Mercury re enters Leo on August 14th, but try not to bet too fully on intuitive hunches, as signs from the universe could get slightly scrambled. The Aquarius full moon amplifies your voice while sharpening the mind on August 19th, and sudden epiphanies could change the way you approach communication and relationships. Mercury travels direct once more on August 28th, but you may need to do some damage control if issues developed at work recently. Feed your soul with some charitable work or donations once Venus enters Libra on August 29th, asking you to give back to your community.


Set the record straight under the Leo new moon on August 4th, especially when it comes to business and interpersonal commitments or agreements. Luckily, you’ll have a way of making others see your side of things when Venus enters Virgo, infusing your aura with a light that’s hard to resist. Just take care to fully rehearse important sentiments before expressing them with absolute clarity as Mercury stations retrograde, or your counterparts could attempt to change the narrative later. You’ll have your own compromises to contend with when Mercury backslides into Leo on August 14th, and it’ll be important that you pick your battles wisely. Watch your spending during the Aquarius full moon on August 19th, which could trigger reckless shopping sprees. On the other end of that spectrum, don’t feel guilty about indulging in items you’ve wanted for a long time. Mercury completes its retrograde journey on August 28th, which could trigger a few intense moments if any shadows have been lurking in your relationships. Luckily, you’ll feel more elevated once Venus enters harmonious Libra the following day, helping you practice forgiveness while establishing healthier relationship structures. 


Align with romance and softness under the Leo new moon on August 4th, taking stock of your relationships and who offers the most warmth and support. As Venus migrates into Virgo this very same day, you’ll crave a love connection that’s practical and mutually beneficial. Just beware of lip service and the stories we tell ourselves once Mercury stations retrograde, which could cause you to overlook major red flags. You may need more time for self-care once Mercury regresses into Leo on August 14th, especially if your mind starts to fog. Luckily, you’ll feel renewed when the full moon rises in your sign on August 19th, though frustrations could emerge if too many people demand your attention. You’ll have an easier time establishing balance within your dynamics when Mercury stations direct on August 28th, making it easier to open your heart and communicate important needs. The cosmic tides shift when Venus enters Libra on August 29th, revealing if you’re in a genuine soul connection or if it’s time to keep searching. 


The Leo new moon rises on August 4th, offering cosmic reinforcements when it comes to establishing your best life. Make personal balance your priority once Venus enters Virgo this very same day, and your manifestation goals will simply fall into place. This energy also lends aid to your love life, putting you in a relationship-oriented headspace. Just don’t make the mistake of returning to flames who are no good when Mercury stations retrograde, tempting us all to revisit past loves. Mercury reemerges into Leo on August 14th, asking you to tidy up. Harness these vibes by finding the motivation to clear out old papers, emails, and unnecessary items. Give yourself permission to bed rot or disappear into a reality of your own making under the Aquarius full moon on August 19th, which urges you to take a breather from the outside world. Mercury stations direct on August 28th, helping you recalibrate the body and mind. You’ll begin to ponder who you want along for the long term when Venus enters Libra on August 29th, which could lead to romantic commitments and true partnership.