Your strategic mind sharpens under the Virgo new moon on September 2nd, allowing you to fill gaps that lie on the path ahead. Just be mindful not to ignore the facts as Mars and Neptune square off. You’ll go into nesting mode once Mars enters Cancer on September 4th, anticipating more cozy nights indoors once autumn leaves start falling. Communicative Mercury enters Virgo on September 9th, making it easier to embrace teamwork. The Pisces lunar eclipse on September 17th will have a major impact on your subconscious, triggering profound internal shifts throughout the next two and a half years. You’ll love more deeply once Venus enters Scorpio on September 22nd, asking you to consider where your commitments and loyalties lie. Keep your conversations light and sweet once Mercury enters Libra on September 26th, giving your mind a rest from heavier topics. 


Uranus stations retrograde in your sign on September 1st, increasing strange coincidences and unpredictable events. Use the new moon on September 2nd to reconnect with the self, especially if you need a confidence boost. Think through your movements more carefully once Mars enters Cancer on September 4th, honoring your emotions, intuition, and intellect to avoid hasty mistakes. Mercury reenters Virgo on September 9th, helping you see a way forward within any projects or relationships that have left you confused. The Pisces lunar eclipse brings major shifts to your social sphere throughout the next two and a half years. Pay attention to any fresh faces or intense dramas that emerge, as they could clue you in as to what comes next. Venus enters Scorpio and the sector of your chart that governs relationships on September 22nd, helping you grow closer to those you adore most. Take a logical approach toward wellness once Mercury enters Libra on September 26th. 


Reinvest in your space under the Virgo new moon on September 2nd, especially if you’re overdue for an interior face lift. Give yourself extra time to accomplish tasks once Mars enters Cancer on September 4th, bringing a sluggish energy your way. Communicative Mercury migrates into Virgo on September 9th, inspiring you to express hidden emotions. The Pisces lunar eclipse rises on September 17th, which could have you embarking upon new professional journeys throughout the next two and a half years. Venus enters Scorpio and your house of health and wellness on September 22nd, asking you to show yourself more tenderness. Things heat up with matters of the heart when Mercury enters Libra on September 26th, helping you elevate new or existing love connections. 


Document your thoughts under the Virgo new moon on September 2nd, which promises to reveal insights on what the next six months will bring. Mars moves into your sign on September 4th, increasing your stamina, though others may seem more stagnant than usual. Keep track of your emotions during this time, as passions could lead you toward ups and downs. Mercury retraces its steps into Virgo on September 9th, giving you an intellectual edge and knack for solving problems. Brace for frustration when Mars forms a harsh t-square with the nodes of fate on September 15th, and avoid forcing change. Spiritual support comes out in full force under the Pisces lunar eclipse on September 17th, though your philosophies and beliefs will intensify and shift throughout the next two and a half years. Let romance and fun collide when Venus enters Scorpio on September 22nd, spicing up your love life. Show your family some extra love and support once Mercury enters Libra on September 26th. 


The natural world calls out for you under the Virgo new moon on September 2nd, so be sure to spend some extra time soaking up the great outdoors. Embrace the gift of rest once Mars enters Cancer on September 4th, allowing yourself to work from behind the scenes and reflect on goals before executing them publicly. Take in new information by embracing the senses once Mercury enters Virgo on September 9th, and consider working with your hands more often. The Pisces lunar eclipse threatens major drama on September 17th, which could cause commitments to unravel. This lunation marks the beginning of a two and a half year cycle that brings serious shifts to you and your relationships. Spend more time at home after Venus enters Scorpio on September 22nd, though romance will flourish if you invite along someone special. Mercury debuts into Libra on September 26th, increasing your ability to see multiple perspectives at once. 


The new moon rises in your sign on September 2nd, bringing an extra dose of luck to any wishes made or intentions set. Your peers will seem more irritable and emotional than usual once Mars enters Cancer on September 4th, and it may be difficult to sidestep other people’s drama. Luckily, Mercury enters your sign on September 9th, helping you stay focused on yourself. This planetary placement also lends aid to your image, especially when you speak up for yourself. A wave of romance washes over you during the Pisces lunar eclipse on September 17th, bringing twists to your love life throughout the next two and a half years. You’ll emotionally connect more easily once Venus enters Scorpio on September 22nd, which could lead to instant and long lasting bonds. Spend time in nature to clear your thoughts once Mercury enters Libra on September 26th, and don’t forget to access your gratitude. 


The new moon on September 2nd brings moody vibes, marking the perfect excuse to lay low and untangle your thoughts. Shoot for long term strategies when it comes to chasing success once Mars enters Cancer on September 4th, and remember to keep your feelings and business separate. Guard your secrets after Mercury enters Virgo on September 9th, but don’t be afraid to let your guard down amongst trusted allies. Keep a close eye on your habits and routines during the Pisces eclipse on September 17th, which demands that you take your health more seriously throughout the next two and a half years. Money lingers on the horizon once Venus moves into Scorpio on September 22nd, helping you win approval so you can negotiate for more. Speaking up will be more important than ever once Mercury enters your sign on September 26th, but remember that it’s okay to change your mind. 


Pluto, your modern ruler, backslides into Capricorn on September 1st, helping you mentally restructure through the end of the year. Set your sights on any new friendships or professional connections you hope to forge under the Virgo new moon on September 2nd. Mars, your traditional ruler, enters Cancer and the sector of your chart that governs luck on September 4th, offering extra assistance as you pursue new horizons. Look for networking opportunities once Mercury enters Virgo on September 9th, and don’t be afraid to ask for introductions if you need a foot in the door. The Pisces lunar eclipse sends shockwaves through our world on September 17th, marking the beginning of a two and a half year cycle or change. Your ego will be tested during this astrological era, though you’ll have plenty of chances to shine as well. Venus debuts in your sign on September 22nd, helping you love yourself more fully. Moments of enlightenment begin to filter in after Mercury enters Libra on September 26th, triggering shifts to the subconscious. 


Outline your five year plan under the Virgo new moon on September 2nd, bringing extra detail and strategy to the next six months. Passion and intimacy go hand in hand when Mars enters Cancer on September 4th, and you’ll quickly grow bored of those you can’t let down your guard with. Mercury reenters Virgo on September 9th, nudging you to seek advice or guidance when it comes to chasing professional opportunities. Emotions could overwhelm you under the Pisces Lunar eclipse on September 17th, marking the start of a two and a half year cycle that will revamp the landscape of your private life. Spend less time catering to others and more time nurturing yourself in private once Venus enters Scorpio on September 22nd, and guard your heart against anyone who can’t keep a secret. Mercury makes its debut in Libra on September 26th, asking you to expand your knowledge on local and community issues. 


Pluto retrogrades into your sign on September 1st, asking you to get serious about transforming your public image for the better. Make a meaningful wish under the Virgo new moon on September 2nd, one of the luckiest days of the year for you. Mars migrates into Cancer and the sector of your chart that governs relationships on September 4th, which will heighten passions and emotions, though arguments will seem more heated. Luckily, you’ll find that it’s easy to keep the vibe positive after Mercury enters Virgo on September 9th, making your joy contagious. Keep an open mind during the Pisces lunar eclipse on September 17th. This celestial event opens the door for change throughout the next two and a half years, especially when you are vocal about finding understanding or chasing curiosities. Venus debuts in Scorpio on September 22nd, and instant friendships could emerge by way of social media or large gatherings. Mercury moves into Libra on September 26th, bringing a soft yet serious tone to your voice. 


Pluto leaves your sign and re-enters Capricorn on September 1st, asking you to deal with any mental or emotional heavy lifting you’ve been avoiding. Don’t worry though, you’ll have until early next year to figure it all out. Rebirth comes for you under the Virgo new moon on September 2nd, marking one of the most transformative days of the year for you. Seek change with purpose to make the most of these vibes. Mars makes its home in Cancer on September 4th, asking you to acknowledge how your body stores emotion, finding release and building healthier habits as needed. Mercury enters Virgo on September 9th, marking the perfect time to share your wisdom, while absorbing knowledge from others. The Pisces lunar eclipse on September 17th puts pressure on your financial state, and reckless spending habits will need curbing. Your relationship to money and security will change throughout the next two and a half years, and this lunation offers insights as to what that might look like. Venus debuts in Scorpio on September 22nd, inspiring you to think long term within matters of the heart. Mercury enters Libra on September 26th, opening you up to a world of possibilities. 


Devote the Virgo new moon on September 2nd to the pursuit of personal balance, making a vow to better juggle your agendas and need for rest moving forward. Mars makes its debut in Cancer on September 4th, revitalizing your creative mind. You’ll become more aware of who or what has been throwing you off once Mercury enters Virgo on September 9th, helping you take an educated approach toward living your best life. The Pisces lunar eclipse rises in your sign on September 17th, creating the strong urge to reinvent yourself. Change will come in waves throughout the next two and a half years as a new astrological cycle begins, so be mindful not to rush your progress. Let your heart guide you toward good things when Venus enters Scorpio on September 17th, bringing luck and love your way. Mercury migrates into Libra on September 26th, making it easier to hold space during intense or deep conversations.