Reina Hardesty
Meet and Greet

It’s giving Freaky Friday with a side of sci-fi. We’re talkin’ about your next spooky season watch, It’s What’s Inside—a film that follows some college friends at a pre-wedding reunion that quickly descends into a psychological nightmare when a surprise guest arrives with a mysterious suitcase that starts to tear the group apart. Sounds like every college reunion ever, right?
A part of that group is actor Reina Hardesty (she/her), who we chatted with about the movie, her upcoming project with Daniel Dae Kim (!!!), and why she’s hopeful for the future of AAPI actors.
What was it like filming this unique movie in such a short time, and with such a talented group of people?
We did almost entirely night shoots at one location, so production felt like an intensive moviemaking summer camp. I think the middle of the night delirium helped us quickly get comfortable and close to one another. Due to the nature of the story, we as actors were so collaborative and involved with each other’s process—we were working on the same characters, after all. I feel like I really lucked out getting to work with people who are not only insanely talented, but incredibly kind and fun to be around. Our writer/director Greg Jardin really set the tone with so much enthusiasm, joy, and passion.
For those who end up loving this film like we did, what other movies would you recommend for them to watch after?
It’s not necessarily similar, but if you like anxiety-inducing wild ride movies, one of my all-time favorites is Good Time directed by the Safdie brothers.
You also have a series titled Butterfly coming out in the future. Tell us about it!
Butterfly is an espionage action thriller with an emphasis on complicated (to say the least) family dynamics. I play Rebecca, a cutthroat young assassin who is struggling with her identity in the world. I feel like so many things in my life serendipitously led me to Butterfly. I grew incredibly close to my character, and I hope that other people will identify with her and hopefully feel less alone in their struggles. I absolutely love the whole team involved in this. I can’t say much else, but we put our hearts and souls into this show, and I can’t wait for it to come out.
You’ve been in shows and movies about everything from superheroes to blood-thirsty pig-men to assassins. What’s been your fave role so far?
This might sound like a cop-out answer but I genuinely love every character I’ve played so much. One that comes to mind right now is Joss/Weather Witch on The Flash. There’s a childlike glee that comes from wearing tight leather pants and waving a staff around to summon lightning. It helps you not take yourself too seriously, and I think at the core of performance, having fun is the most important part.
What’s a genre you haven’t explored yet but want to try?
I’d love to be in a period piece. I love the idea of being completely immersed in a world that’s new to me, but what once was. It feels like an homage to those who came before us.
We also saw that Parasite winning Best Picture meant the world to you. What do you hope to inspire in the AAPI community with each role you take?
The level of emotion I felt when Parasite won genuinely caught me by surprise. I think as an AAPI person in entertainment, I subconsciously expected less for us. Hearing Jane Fonda announce Parasite in the perfect way that she did that night broke that dam of doubt within me and the tears just came flooding out. As a little girl, I didn’t feel like my dreams of being an actor were within reach in the way I wanted them to be. I hope I can be a part of inspiring young AAPI dreamers that it’s not only possible, but accessible in a way that inspires more artists to come forward and try. There’s a lot of work to be done still, but I’m more hopeful than ever.