How She Built It: Lauren Bosworth
Founder of Love Wellness
Ulta Beauty x Newsette

The beauty industry is a crowded place, but every once in a while, a brand comes along that reimagines how we think about our beauty and wellness routines. And now, thanks to the just-launched SPARKED at Ulta Beauty™ platform, there’s a place to discover the brands that are doing just that—and changing the future of beauty in the process. To celebrate the launch of SPARKED (which will be continually updated with exciting new finds), we asked the founders behind some of the inaugural brands how they’re building a beauty brand that’s changing the game. Case in point: Have you ever felt embarrassed leaving the women’s personal hygiene aisle, or like you had to hide that box of tampons at check-out? Us too. Lauren Bosworth’s natural women’s wellness brand, Love Wellness, is here to change that, by promoting a more positive experience around women’s intimate care and a supportive product line to match. Find out how Lauren’s disrupting the women’s wellness industry—then click here for more.
What inspired you to start your own beauty brand?
I actually don’t consider Love Wellness to be a beauty brand, which is part of why it’s so exciting to be included on the SPARKED at Ulta Beauty platform. We make modern, natural total body care products for women’s health because we know that women are their own best health advocates. They want to practice wellness without stigma or shame. I started the business because the intimate care aisle at the drugstore made me feel embarrassed, as a result of how these types of products have always been presented. They were made to make us feel shame, and that was an experience that I felt needed to be re-evaluated by a woman for women everywhere.
What are your top three favorite products from Love Wellness?
I love The Killer, Good Girl Probiotics, and our pH Balancing Cleanser! These all fall under our personal care category but work so well at promoting women’s health that they have to be mentioned! The Killer is unlike anything you’ve ever used to find relief for common women’s infections as it’s all-natural and works fast. I love Good Girl Probiotics because they help prevent UTIs, yeast infections, and BV. Our pH Balancing Cleanser is an intimate wash that’s 100% natural and doctor-approved for practicing safe personal hygiene.
Once you developed the idea for Love Wellness, what came next?
I ideated and launched the business solo in 2016. I started creating the products and web experience in May of that year and launched in October. In 2018 I started working with a team, but I was a one-woman show for a long period of time, which gave me a lot of space to think about what the brand should develop into. My passion is product development, and when I had started feeling that it was important to branch out beyond personal care items into total body care, I made the decision to begin hiring a team to help support my vision and our brand growth. Now, the business has grown 1,200% in the last 12 months and landing on Ulta Beauty’s shelves feels like a sign that we are doing something great for women’s wellness.
What does it take for a beauty brand to break through in today’s fast-paced, constantly-evolving beauty landscape?
You either have to do something totally unique, which I feel Love Wellness does, or replicate something that’s already in the market but build it better, faster, and smarter than your competitors. In many ways, with Love Wellness, our product offering provides women with the relief they have long been searching for, and when you are able to create change like that for a consumer, you have a brand loyalist for life.
Being a part of the first SPARKED at Ulta Beauty™ collection is a huge milestone for any emerging beauty brand. How has this accomplishment changed things for Love Wellness?
Being a part of SPARKED at Ulta Beauty has elevated our profile tremendously. You should see my inbox! It’s very exciting to be declared a leader in the space by my favorite beauty retailer.
What are the next steps for Love Wellness?
We’re focusing on journeys women experience throughout their life from a health perspective. Expect quite a few product launches in 2020, but I can’t give anything else away!
What is the one thing you really want beauty-lovers to know about your brand?
Love Wellness wants women to feel good about taking care of their bodies. When you feel good, your confidence shines through, positively affecting every aspect of your life. We support women on their journey to good health and want to be viewed as a helping hand in that process.