It’s her night as Eva. Eva Gutowski is someone we’ve been following forever through her evolution from mega-famous YouTuber to musician to founder of the skincare brand Coastal Citizen. But what we didn’t know is that her creative juices mostly flow at night. Example A: She made her latest trackLeak Your Own Sex Tape, in a single evening.

We called the 27-year-old to learn how she winds down, the best way to build a following of millions, and why a gym in Colombia blew her mind.

5 P.M. My favorite time of the day is sunset hour because it’s so beautiful. It’s a literal ritual of mine. I put on some soul or bossa nova music, and I make a margarita if I’m feeling super extra or some tea if I’m not trying to do all that. The sun sets magically on the beach literally from my window, so I sit there feeling the whole vibe. Once the sun goes completely down, I’ll put on TV and start making dinner.

6 P.M. I don’t eat meat, so my favorite dinner is black bean pasta and some sort of vegetable. I love spices, but other than that, I’m very simple; beans and rice and I’m good. I’m usually watching a documentary. I watched Night Stalker a while ago, and the whole time I was like, “Wow, how could people leave their doors open at night? That’s so dangerous.” And every single night I watched Night Stalker, I left a window wide open because it was so hot! But I was on the 3rd floor, so it’s okay. I would wake up in the morning and I’m like, “I’m actually an idiot.” [Laughing.]

7 P.M. Honestly, I’m either working or creating content. A lot of people wouldn’t like that schedule of working until you fall asleep, but because I do social media, there’s never an hour I’m not working. Most of the time, I’m having fun… Every day, I set time [aside] to brainstorm video ideas. My biggest inspiration comes from laughing at things. You know how an inside joke works? Or when you’re joking with friends and someone makes a joke and then suddenly there are 10 other jokes you’re making after that? That’s how I approach content ideas.

8 P.M. My YouTube channel has changed so much over the years. I’m always finding new love for genres and styles of editing. I’ve done everything from cinematic travel blogs through places like India and Japan. I’ve done comedy skits, DIY videos, cooking videos. I just feel like it’s so boring to limit yourself to one type of content. Every time I watch one of those videos where it’s like, “How to start a YouTube channel,” everyone’s like, “Stick to your niche.” Do not do that! It’s not authentic to you, and I feel like allowing myself to jump around different forms of content and showcase different hobbies helps me create this super broad audience. No matter what I’m talking about, I know I have thousands of people who are really into that one thing. It makes my life never boring and makes my audience never bored.

9 P.M. Night is really the time when I’m producing music. I’ve been motivated for 12, 15 years to learn how to make all of my favorite songs, so the fact that I’m finally getting to put out music for people and have people blow up songs… Literally, someone sent me a video of my song Hawaii playing in a gym in Colombia. I was like, “What the heck?!” I’m truly just making music because I love it and I’ve always wanted to do it, but it’s really cool to see that it’s reaching far.

10 P.M. I do my skincare routine. I use [Coastal Citizen’s] Morning Water and bamboo terry towels—which is funny because it’s Morning Water. Most days I’m running errands so I’m sweating throughout the day. Morning Water takes all that dirt and excess oil off my face and makes sure I won’t break out throughout the night. After that, I’ll assess where my skin’s at, and if I’m having some congested pores or my skin is dry, I’ll do a face mask. If I’m feeling really extra, I’ll steam my face, then do my face mask and wash my face again. Then, I use a face oil, nighttime moisturizer, and [I’m] straight to bed.

10:30 P.M. I am not a dreamer. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. My boyfriend has the most insane dreams every single night and I don’t have any! I like to tell people that maybe I dream so big in my reality that my brain doesn’t dream at night. It just dreams during the day.