You ever see someone with a cool career and think, “Okay, but how?” Same. So here comes Recipe for Success, a new series where #goalz women tell us exactly how they got from point A to point where you want to B.


Recipe for Success


1. Have an existential crisis in 8th grade because you haven’t found your “thing.”

2. Try lacrosse, piano, cheer, etc. until the BP oil spill piques your interest in science. (Optional: Bombard your sophomore bio teacher with questions until they encourage you to dive deeper.)

3. Email research labs in the area until a Tulane professor agrees to let you join her team.

4. Conduct a funded study and develop a method that detects micro-toxins left by oil spills. (Just for fun, create a way to get rid of these toxins, too.)

5. Go crazy when your research inspires the EPA to improve oil spill cleanup regulations.

6. Split your research time between Tulane and the University of New Orleans (both walking distance from your school) while still juggling regular teen responsibilities.

7. Earn a scholarship + your own lab at the University of Michigan, then start a side project looking into birth control options since your current Rx makes you feel wonky af.

8. Drop out of school to dedicate 100% of your time to creating Sublima, a company aiming to develop a non-hormonal birth control pill.

9. Scoff at VC investors who say you need a male co-founder, then find pro-women backers.

10. Start clinical trials while keeping Big Pharma from discovering your secret formula.

11. Team up with Olay to raise awareness for the gender gap in STEM.

12. Stay tuned for results!