1. Attend undergraduate business school in Philadelphia. You still don’t know what your professional path will look like, so Goldilocks it. Be willing to experiment.

2. Enroll in the French Culinary Institute’s night program because you trust your gut (and passion for food and hospitality).

3. Start working at West Village’s wine-and-dine spot, Dell’anima, during the day.

4. Get a JD-MBA from NYU while working with Tom Colicchio on developing and opening the restaurant Riverpark.

5. Move to California to work for CIM Group—a real estate private equity firm—and lead their hotel and restaurant investments.

6. Move back to New York and become the head of business development for Danny Meyer during the time when Shake Shack is going public.

7. Open west~bourne—the first certified zero-waste restaurant in Manhattan—and start developing products with brands like Glossier.

8. Close down west~bourne in 2020 because of Covid and co-found ROAR and IRC to help service industry workers face financial challenges caused by the pandemic.

9. Relaunch west~bourne as a zero-waste pantry line in 2021. Make it plant-forward, plastic-free, and on a mission to become a kitchen staple for the next generation.