Actress Mayan Lopez (she/her) is back for Season 2 of Lopez vs. Lopez, and she’s no stranger to the world of comedy and entertainment. With a dad like George Lopez and a mom who’s been an actress, casting director, and producer, Mayan’s been in the mix since she was little. She always wanted to be in the spotlight but had a soft spot for animals, too. At one point, she even thought about becoming a vet (that idea quickly fizzled out after a faint-worthy experience helping neuter a cat). Growing up, she stayed away from acting gigs to have a normal childhood, but now, she’s all in on acting, while also writing and producing herself.

We chatted with her about her unique background, creative approach, and the hilarious family dynamics in Lopez vs. Lopez.

A picture of a Latina woman with long brain hair named Mayan Lopez wearing a peacock print dress

What can we expect from your character this season?
Mayan has a lot of growing to do. She has to work on supporting the new George and not fall into old habits. George is now sober for six weeks and the family, especially Mayan, realize they can’t blame his actions on drinking.

You’re also a co-creator, writer, and executive producer on the show. How does the creative process differ in each of those areas?
Debby Wolfe had approached me about the potential of a show after coming across my TikTok content. In collaboration with my dad, we worked on the premise and then the official pitch to the networks. As we were writing based on our personal story, I had to remember that I’m portraying myself but still acting, so making sure my character’s voice rings true is crucial. I rewrite certain things I feel will clarify Mayan’s motivations and send my edits to Debby for approval. There are several components to being a co-executive producer: casting, budgets, network concerns, etc. I’m learning a lot!

Were there any challenges you faced stepping into the industry as a Latinx woman?
I see myself as an actress, not a Latinx actress. My parents have been fighting for inclusion for over 30 years. I saw that growing up, so now it’s my turn to fight for inclusion.

If you could write your dream role, what would it be?
I’d love to be Jack Black’s daughter in a remake of Nacho Libre, which is my favorite movie! Actually, I would love to be Jack Black’s daughter in anything [laughing].

Do you have any advice for any young woman who’s trying to get her foot in the door?
I would say figure out who you are and your point of view. If you don’t know who you are and what you want, how do you expect anyone else to know? Set a goal and go for it! I’m a big believer in manifesting.