How To Make Extra Cash This Holiday Season
Tis the season of giving… and that means shelling out lots of money for loved ones. Between your SO, siblings, parents, friends, and yourself, your bank account can take a major hit as soon as mid December rolls around. So instead of tightening your budget and passing on fun holiday activities, why not raise your income? See below for four ways to put your skills to good use and make some extra dough this ho-ho-holiday season.
Sell your old stuff.
We all have those items in our closet that we haven’t worn in the last six months that are collecting dust. List those pieces on an app like Poshmark and de-clutter your closet while making a small fortune.
Design logos and websites.
Do you have a passion for Photoshop? Get your digital paintbrush ready. Sign up for a site like Upwork and offer your design skills to companies and individuals looking to bring their ideas to life. Cha-ching!
Become a tutor.
Were you that one student that always knew what was going on in math class? Offer up your knowledge to students struggling to learn subjects. This even works if you know how to play an instrument or have any other relevant skill.
Start an Etsy shop.
Some big-time brands started selling via the crafty site. Whether you’re looking to grow a business or just list some DIY creations, open up an Etsy store and sell to people who appreciate your creativity.