Your July Horoscopes Have Arrived

Just like your summer, the stars and planets are going to be B-U-S-Y this July! We’ll be seeing five planets going retrograde (yes, including Mercury…), a solar eclipse on the 12th, and a lunar eclipse on the 27th. Deep breaths… All of this activity can be a great thing for many of the signs.
With your ruler, Mars, in retrograde you will definitely be feeling the heat this month, Aries! Your energy levels are off the charts and, just like your symbol of the Ram, you are pawing the ground and ready to charge head-first into anything that comes at you this month. Rather than resort to conflict and a heated reaction to any provocation, stay in your lane and focus on your own work…especially as the solar eclipse on July 12th approaches. The eclipse will bring you an opportunity to transform and improve your career and romantic situation–looks like you’ll be rich in love and money for the rest of the summer! Although Mercury will be going retrograde at the end of the month, you may experience easy and free-flowing communication thanks to a handy dandy trine in your chart. Call up that guy you swapped numbers with at the bar, schedule a job interview, and finalize those upcoming Labor Day plans at the end of this month!
What you should be doing: Relaxing during a much-needed spa day. We recommend a facial at Naturopathica!
What you should be buying: A flirtatious summer blouse in a fiery hue.
Mark Your Calendar For: July 7th
Thanks to your typically laid back, good-natured disposition, you usually find yourself relating more to Ferdinand the Bull than anything else. However, July may have your horns up thanks to a lot of Mercurial action. Expect an increased workload and everything moving at a breakneck speed throughout the entire month of July. While trying to keep up with everything life is throwing at you, don’t be so quick to mow down anyone who inconveniences you. Deep breaths, Taurus! Hold your tongue before making a bold statement that could hurt relationships and make sure to double–no–triple check all travel plans in case Mercury retrograde has another itinerary in mind for you (…let’s not spend your vacation in an airport…). Luckily, you’ll find some relief thanks to a very active Venus–planet of love–during the middle of the month. This is a great week for spending some much-needed one-on-one time with your S.O., or starting a new relationship that will carry over into the fall.
What you should be doing: It’s not the Running of the Bulls here! Slow down and let off some steam with a relaxing yet challenging yoga flow.
What you should be buying: These summery pink slingbacks that are easy to get around town in (read: run to your next meeting in)!
Mark Your Calendar: July 20th
July is looking fiiiiine x2 for you, airy Gemini! As your sign is ruled by Mercury, you’ll be able to take the dreaded retrograde in stride. As July kicks off, you’ll find yourself thinking quicker and clearer than ever before, absorbing information at an intense pace, and speaking in a direct manner. People will know exactly what you want and when you want it. Still, don’t discredit Mercury retrograde’s tricks–finalize travel plans ASAP and keep a close eye on your phone while you’re laying poolside…we all know that the wet phone in rice trick doesn’t work 100% of the time. Just like Aries, the solar eclipse on the 12th will give you the chance to transform something that has previously held you back from success or happiness into an amazing opportunity that you will benefit from in the long-term. July 27th will be an emotionally charged day for you as Venus trines Pluto and the lunar eclipse occurs. Don’t be surprised if you find your karmic soulmate around this day!
What you should be doing: You’re already a master communicator, so fine tune your public speaking skills on Skillshare!
What you should be buying: These reversible two-toned resin necklaces to match every outfit (and every mood) – Geminis know the best things come in sets!
Mark Your Calendar: July 27
Oh, girl, it’s Cancer season! With influences from loving Venus, lucky Jupiter, and a transformative solar eclipse, your birthday month is looking stellar! With the sun in your watery sign, you’ll find it easier to go with the flow and focus on being your sweet self. This is the time to put all your attention on you, you and you, so set some amazing goals for the year ahead. Venus–the planet of love and beauty–sextile Neptune on the 24th is the perfect time to treat yourself to a post-bday shopping spree. Splurge on that La Mer face cream, buy yourself that necklace you’ve been drooling over, and schedule that facial you kept pushing off. Venus sextile lucky Jupiter on the 22nd will also ensure that your wallet is coated for the remainder of the summer–perfect for a getaway! However, save the all-inclusive beach resort booking until after Mercury retrograde…do I even need to say why?!
What you should be doing: Investing some of that b-day money (y’know, the few dollars you didn’t spend)! Check out Ellevest for an easy, no-strings-attached plan and rack up those dollar signs!
What you should be buying: This shimmery highlighter so you can stun the crowds at all of your b-day plans!
Mark Your Calendar: July 24th
My, lovely Leo, you are having quite a month! The main stars of the show (pun intended): the solar and lunar eclipses. Solar eclipses are always a transformative experience, but this month’s effects may be heightened due to Mercury’s conflicting effect on your planets starting early on in the month with Mercury squaring Uranus on the first. As Mercury moves opposite to Mars–a very fiery, confrontational planet–expect a few arguments or conflicts to arise. If you manage to stay cool and hold your tongue against saying anything hurtful, this hectic period will soon pass and allow you to experience the boundless opportunities that the solar eclipse will bring on the 12th. The lunar eclipse on the 27th falls during Leo season, which may make you more emotional or sensitive than normal. As the lunar eclipse is in Mars, be sure to channel this fiery energy into something constructive as you move into a roaring August!
What you should be doing: MEDITATE! Take this hectic month to get in touch with your inner voice. Set some amazing intentions for your birthday season and beyond while you’re at it!
What you should be buying: An earth toned bikini to help chill out your heated month (while soaking up that sun)!
Mark you calendar: July 22
Always prepared and level-headed, you will be able to navigate July flawlessly, sweet Virgo! Your positive sun transit will make you more playful and enthusiastic during the height of summer, allowing you to come out of your shell and socialize with friends, family, and coworkers on a more frequent and intimate level. Venus trine Saturn on the 14th may have you committing to a new, happy relationship with someone who loves and understands your #bossbabe vibes. If you’re already in a relationship, expect things to heat up as the temps rise! Like Gemini, you are ruled by Mercury–planet of communication. While everyone dreads Mercury retrograde, expect a refreshingly free flow of communication during this time. However, keep a close eye on on all business negotiations that are in the works during Mercury retrograde–you wouldn’t want anything to accidentally fall through the cracks!
What you should be doing: Stock up on fresh produce from the farmer’s market and try out a healthy new summer recipe!
What you should be buying: A chic bucket bag that is practical but will also look SO CUTE filled with a bouquet of flowers à la your favorite IG star
Mark your calendar: July 14
While you normally like to ride the middle and enjoy a healthy dose of balance in your life, you’ll have to buckle in and get ready for a very, very intense July, Libra! Be prepared to be in full-on work mode at the beginning of the month…yes, this may mean working through a Summer Friday or two…ugh. The solar eclipse on the 12th brings the potential for a crisis within a relationship, event, or even self-esteem, only to be escalated when Mercury retrogrades on the 26th. Try not to dwell on choices or relics from the past during this time – it’ll only drive you crazy! Instead, focus on what brings you joy as Venus trines Pluto on the 27th. Plan a fun getaway with friends for later in August so you can have something to look forward to after a tumultuous, but altogether rewarding, July! Hey, if you can get through this month, you can get through anything.
What you should be doing: Start researching flights and hotels for a future getaway with some friends. You’re a master at finding the best deals!
What you should buying: A chic pair of sunglasses to wear on your next getaway
Mark you calendar: July 27
Oh, sly Scorpio, you are in for a treat this month! Love and luck are abound throughout the first half of July. Venus’ influence on your sign has got you all mushy gushy–you’ll be looking for a partner who you can lay all of the affection on this month. The transformative solar eclipse on the 12th may help with just that as you start see a longtime acquaintance in a new light (cue John Mayer). Jupiter will be interacting with many planets this month, bringing luck and love to your table, especially as it sextiles Venus on the 22nd. Looking for a getaway, Scorpio? Try to plan it on the 9th as Mercury squares Jupiter for best results. Long story short: Scorpio season may be a few months away, but consider this July a little apéritif.
What you should be doing: Check out that new restaurant that just opened up in your neighborhood.
What you should be buying: A summery pair of espadrilles that are perfect for a rooftop dinner followed by a long walk in the park with your date
Mark your calendar: July 12
While this month may be hazy for many of the signs, the stars shine clear and bright for you this July, Sagittarius! Ever since Mars went retrograde last month, it has been transiting your chart, making it a great time for you to chase after your desires. Like an arrow on a bow, don’t be afraid to launch yourself forward into career endeavors and climb the corporate ladder this month–the stars are on your side! On July 14, commitment may be the topic of the day as Venus trines Saturn. That fun-loving, adventurous guy who you’ve been hitting it off with lately? He may be your cosmic soul mate! On July 27, the lunar eclipse in Mars will make some interactions a little heated. However, if you channel Mars’ aggressive energy into something productive (your next travel itinerary, making progress on your entrepreneurial idea, etc.), expect some amazing results!
What you should be doing: Spend a weekend focusing on bringing a side project to life instead of putting it on the backburner.
What you should be buying: This polka dot blouse will carry you straight from the office to drinks with a special someone.
Mark your calendar: July 5
Your love and social life is in full swing this month, Caps! Venus trine Uranus on the 11th has you looking for a new love if you’re single, or a way to spice up your current relationship if you’re taken! While normally orderly and all business, you’ll definitely benefit by letting your hair down and letting go of some of that infamous Capricorn control. Once the solar eclipse on the 12th hits, friendships and relationships may be tested. Now is the time to check in on your friends and family and see how they are–with a little bit of hard work and maintenance, you may find that you are surrounded by a supportive group of people who love you just as much as you love them! Keep a hold on your wallet, though, as the Lunar Eclipse will affect your finances. Find some ways to make a few changes to your spending habits and definitely download a budgeting app to help you keep track of your moolah during this time.
What you should be doing: Go out and let loose on a Thursday night. Yes. A work night. A little spontaneity never hurt anyone…
What you should be buying: A sleek wallet to keep everything in check!
Mark your calendar: July 11
Mars has been in Aquarius since May, so you may have already been feeling both the positives and negatives of this energetic planet. On one hand, you have a ‘can do’ spirit about you, creative Aquarius, and have been able to act on your art lately. On the other hand, you may have been feeling a bit irritable and combative…not a good look. If you feel more of the latter, try working off some steam during a tough workout – especially around July 5 when Mercury opposes Mars. The solar eclipses will bring about some changes – most notably in your career. You may find yourself suddenly announcing a job change or seeing a shakeup in your industry or current company. When the Lunar Eclipse begins on the 27th, you may feel the effects a little more than the other signs, especially as it also affects Mars. My advice? Make like an ice pop and chill out, Aquarius – there is no need to rush or confront anything during this sensitive time.
What you should be doing: Let off some steam and get some time to yourself during an infrared sauna sesh.
What you should be buying: These edgy shades to hide all the feels (and inevitable eye rolls…thanks Mars…) while looking like a boss
Mark your calendar: July 2
You’re dreaming about your next tropical getaway, aren’t you, Pisces? Well, we can’t take a fish out of (Caribbean) waters, but we CAN advise them to maaaybe not plan the trip for July. With the two planets that rule travel in retrograde this month, and a Solar Eclipse that impacts Pluto – your travel planet – also occurring, July is just not a great month for travel. Instead, plan a staycation this month. Explore your city and invite your friends! Invest in a glow up during the middle of the month when Venus is most active with your other planets. The Lunar eclipse at the end of the month will prove a very spiritual time as you may start to question what you believe in. Find a quiet spot and reflect on your values and what you hold true to yourself. Come autumn, a very transformative and fluctuating season, it will be important to have a stable understanding of your inner beliefs.
What you should be doing: Book a night in that beautiful boutique hotel and invite some friends for a girl’s night in!
What you should be buying: Pay homage to your water roots with a pearl-embellished sunhat perfect for taking you from the weekend flea market to a picnic in the park
Mark your calendar: July 17