Leave it to Leos to end summer with a bang! With a playful energy and giving nature, Leo season has a few gifts for the zodiac up its sleeve. We’ll obviously be feeling relief as Mercury and Mars return direct (retrograde was soooo July), but what else is happening in the cosmos this month? We have all the answers. Read on for your August horoscope.


Your fiery personality is renowned throughout the cosmos and now that it’s Leo season (a fellow fire sign), you are quite literally in your element! While summer is known for its flings, be prepared to experience cuffing season a little earlier than usual. As Venus moves into Libra, the sign associated with long-term relationships, expect your vivacious “me, me, me” attitude to be more “we, we, we,” this month and beyond. The solar eclipse on the 11th paired with the end of Mercury retrograde will bring about new beginnings, relationships, and a seriously creative energy. As Leo season comes to an end, let Virgo’s organized and earthy ways channel this explosive creativity into a productive funnel so you can spruce up your day-to-day routine…which was feeling a little monotonous anyways. By the end of August, your hustle will be unmatched, Aries!
What you should be doing: Take the plunge and start that blog you’ve always talked about – even if it’s just on Instagram!
What you should be buying: This red hot one-piece swimsuit to get ready for those late-summer getaways.
Mark your calendar for: August 19.


Always one for pampering and relaxation, you may have been taking it especially easy this season, Taurus. However, expect your lackadaisical lifestyle to pick up come the solar eclipse on August 11th – a time for new beginnings, as well as culminations. Expect massive transformations in your career and family sectors, which will be lit up during this eclipse. While you may feel that your world is spinning out of control, Mercury and Mars will finally go direct (buh bye, retrogrades) just as Virgo season swoops in to bring order back to your life. As a fellow Earth sign, Virgo season will have your creativity and play sector lit up, so prepare to let your talents shine – you may even find yourself dealing with the limelight throughout the last few weeks of August into September!
What you should be doing: Organize a karaoke night with your friends – you’ll have a chance to show off your singing (or lip synching) skills, while spending some much-needed quality time with your friends.
What you should be buying: These sunnies give us Kate Hudson’s Almost Famous vibes and are the perfect way to prep for your time in the spotlight.
Mark your calendar: August 23.


As a Mercury-ruled sign, you may have felt a little topsy-turvy since the end of last month when Mercury went retrograde. Luckily, things are turning right-side-up as Mercury returns direct this month! While things may look smooth sailing for you in love and life thanks to Venus’ shift into like-minded Libra on the 6th, be sure to keep yourself intellectually stimulated, lest you fall into a game of shallow gossip that could be reputation-ruining (not a good look for anyone). Mars, the planet of action, also returns direct this month, so expect some major #bossbabe vibes starting on August 27th. After a summer of being a social butterfly, though, prepare for some much-needed time at home as the sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd. It’ll be a much-needed check-in with both yourself and your surroundings, which is especially important before the Full Moon in Pisces on the 26th…where long-term changes will be determined.
What you should be doing: Feng Shui your workspace so you can remain productive throughout the month…even with an intense full moon coming.
What you should be buying: This pretty pink blazer to accompany you while you accomplish all your goals.
Mark your calendar: August 27.


Feeling those post-birthday blues? It’s okay, sweet Cancers – Venus in Libra is giving you the green light to go home, spend time with family, and snuggle up in your favorite blanket while watching your favorite movie for the 38th time. As you focus on your ‘you time,’ the solar eclipse on the 11th will be focusing on your bank account. Expect a nice boost in your funds during this time, especially as Mercury returns direct on the 19th. Instead of being quick to spend it all on an impromptu spa day, the sun in ever-practical Virgo on the 23rd will tell you to save it for a future, well-planned, splurge (do I hear ‘vacaaaay?!’). The full moon in Pisces on the 26th will light up your communication axis, so don’t be surprised if you receive some big news…especially as Mars (the planet of action) returns direct on the 27th!
What you should be doing: Spend a day at the spa. Yes. An entire day all to yourself.
What you should be buying: This cozy cashmere blanket for a relaxing weekend at home
Mark your calendar: August 20.


It’s your birthday season, Leo, and it’s your time to shine (more than usual). While you’re busy throwing yourself an extravagant birthday bash, splurging on that dessert with 24k gold flakes in it, and entertaining your guests, remain aware of the solar eclipse on the 11th that will bring your emotions front and center. Things will be changing rapidly, for better or for worse, lovely Leo. While you may encounter failures this month, just know that they are only setting you up for future success. Your recent communication and technological woes will soon be a thing of the past as Mercury and Mars return direct towards the end of the month and, as the sun enters your planetary neighbor Virgo, you’ll be seeing a bit of financial success coming your way! Be sure to set some meaningful financial goals for the next month and you’ll be ready to enjoy Virgo season in style.
What you should be doingTake advantage of NYC Restaurant Week and make lunch AND dinner reservations for your birthday. Not in NYC? Peruse your Yelp bookmarks and choose two restaurants you’ve always wanted to try for your b-day parties.
What you should be wearing: Indulge your inner diva with a sequined mini dress fit for a (birthday) princess.
Mark your calendar: August 19.


You’re just one stop away from b-day season and you know what that means….your Twelfth House is activated. Now is the time for intense release, so sit back and take the time to figure out what – or who – is and isn’t working for you. Bring only the positive into your new solar cycle, ditch the negative, and clear the space for new opportunities that will be flooding in. The solar eclipse in Leo on the 11th will only help with that as you experience a powerful connection between your actions and emotional reactions. This moment is all about trusting yourself and letting your own truth catapult you forward into success. As soon as Venus enters Libra on the 6th, expect your personal finances to flourish. Furthermore, your ruler, Mercury, will return direct on the 19th and assertive Mars will follow suit a week after, meaning that you’re entering your new solar year feeling motivated, refreshed, and ready to lead (no wonder your glyph is of a goddess)!
What you should be doing: Clean up your phone screen and desktop. Delete any apps that you don’t use (buh bye creepy dating app) and get rid of any files on your computer that you haven’t opened in years.
What you should be wearing: A cute pair of kitten heels will help you keep your balance as you scale the corporate ladder.
Mark your calendar: August 12.


As the social butterfly of the zodiac who is always looking for good conversation, you’ve been yearning to make more and more connections as of late. Luckily, with Venus (your ruler) moving into Libra on the 6th, you’re in for a cosmic treat. Expect a heightened romantic state paired with your love for intellect – do I see dates at the museum, a tour through a whisky distillery, and thoughtful conversation over a glass of wine in your future? Absolutely. As an artist by nature, be sure to tap into your heart and yearnings of self-expression during the solar eclipse on the 11th – this is a time for exploring inner truths and reconnecting with your passions. While you may have felt like you were stuck in a rut for the past month or so, prepare to receive some much needed inspiration and motivation as Mercury and Mars say goodbye to retrograde and return direct. As the sun transits into Virgo, take the time to purge any negative energies that are not benefiting you so you can make room for new opportunities come Libra season!
What you should be doing: Download your new favorite dating app (and possibly find your cosmic soulmate)!
What you should be wearing: A pair of delicate aquamarine earrings to bring you from day to night.
Mark your calendar: August 27.


You have been the epitome of a girl boss for the the past month as Leo activates your 10th house, which rules your career sector! However, while you’ve been working hard, you may feel as though you’ve been running on a treadmill – not quite sure if you’re really going anywhere and wondering when you’re actually going to see all of your efforts come to fruition. Don’t fret, Scorpio! The solar eclipse on the 11th will finally crystallize what it is you’ve been working for. Now is the time for goal setting and amping up those connections to get yourself to the finish line! Luckily, Virgo season highlights collaboration and teamwork within your chart, so finding a support system for your visions will be easy peasy towards the end of the month. Venus enters your 12th house, which is equally romantic and dangerous, on the 6th. Be picky when it comes to love this month, Scorpio – a karmic love is easy to fall into, but don’t ignore the red flags.
What you should be doingSchedule a coffee date with a professional you admire. There’s nothing like bouncing ideas off of someone you look up to!
What you should be wearing: This city-chic, ‘all-business’ shoulder bag to bring you from lunch meeting to boardroom meeting.
Mark your calendar: August 11.


This summer has been quite the adventure for you, Sagittarius, but it looks like your gas tank needs a refill before continuing on your journey. While you’re normally a solo traveler, be prepared for your extended network to slide into your DMs (and maybe even passenger seat) when Venus enters sociable Libra on the 6th. Don’t worry though, they won’t be there to cramp your style. Instead, they are there to help forward you along on your journey through life! Don’t be afraid to reach out to your community and ask for introductions to professional contacts…you never know where there may lead! This will be especially important as the sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd, lighting up your Tenth House AKA your career house! This will be the month for you to finally sit down and ask your boss for the promotion you’ve been eyeing, apply for new jobs, grab a coffee with a businessperson you’ve always admired, or even launch your own company. The full moon in Pisces on the 26th will help illuminate any obstacles that could hinder your forward trajectory, so this is the time to be completely truthful with yourself so you can set yourself up for success.
What you should be doingBuff up your LinkedIn profile – you never know who could be checking out your experience (unless you have Premium…).
What you should be wearing: A red hot pair of power pumps that are perfect for the summer.
Mark your calendar: August 9.


With Leo season upon us, you might have noticed that this month has been a little…well…extra. However, instead of bathing in the sunlight, dear Capricorn, you may have felt like you’ve been lurking in the shadows thanks to the sun’s transit across your Eighth House, which deals with life, death, and the occult. During this time, you probably have become more aware of the thread that connects you with your past, present, and future as well as the impact your decisions have made over the course of time. While all this worrying and overanalyzing is tiresome, the solar eclipse on August 11th will finally bring about a change in your life…but you have to release these frets and woes before you can reach your full potential. Soon enough, you’ll be feeling some extra padding in your wallet from this cosmic event, especially towards the end of the month once Mercury and Mars return direct. After all of your hard work, you’ll breath a sigh of relief as Virgo season opens, highlighting your Ninth House – the house of travel, philosophy, and education. Your horizons, and opportunities, will expand faster than ever before so be sure to take advantage of all the networking and learning opportunities this next month provides.
What you should be doing: Meditate! Quiet your noisy mind with some breathing exercises, a cozy blanket, and wholesome intentions.
What you should be wearing: These stylish sneakers that are perfect for a mind-clearing run.
Mark your calendar: August 19.


Oh, airy Aquarius – you’ve been worrying about how to balance your individuality with your commitment to others for a while now. However, it’s safe to say that the stars have something very special in the works for you, which you will see as soon Venus shifts into Libra on the 6th. Prepare for unexpected romance and travel to coincide as you find yourself falling in love with a handsome (foreign) stranger or trying your hand at a LDR. You’ll be so deep in the throes of love and adventure that your misconceptions about individuality and commitment will be thrown to the wind during this carefree time. As the sun cruises into Virgo on the 23rd, though, you’ll feel the need to focus on your inner, individual feelings once more. However, instead of building walls out of fear of losing your freedom, invite others into your space and open up. You’ll find you have more people in your circle who understand your feelings than not.
What you should be doingTake up journaling and write down all of your fears, questions, and feelings as a new wellness habit.
What you should be wearing: This rattan belt to spruce up any of your sundresses for a night out on the town.
Mark your calendar: August 27.


You’ve been focused on the daily grind and not much else for a tad longer than you’d like to be. Luckily, a solar eclipse on the 11th will bring some much-needed excitement back to your busy schedule. With Venus entering your Eighth House on the 6th and the sun cruising into Virgo on the 23rd, you’ll be feeling like a goddess and attract new relationships, both romantic and platonic, without event trying. Don’t be surprised if you have days where you meet your next hot date during your morning coffee run, and your next business partner a few hours later. As August ends with a full moon in your sign on the 26th, you’ll be able to take some time for yourself and reflect on these newfound relationships, feelings, aspirations, and more. It’s also the perfect time to get rid of the negative and fortify the positive before entering an entirely new season. One thing’s for sure, Pisces: your August is looking fab!
What you should be doing: Spruce up your daily routine and add another quick and easy step to your beauty routine!
What you should be wearing: This Charlotte Tilbury blush to give yourself the perfect glow – even if you missed out on a weekend at the beach!
Mark your calendar: August 26th.