Even in a city like NYC, it can feel like there’s nothing to do–the equivalent of screaming I have nothing to wear! at a crammed-full closet. We’ve all had weekends where we endlessly Google “Things to do in (enter your neighborhood),” only to get non-helpful suggestions, like museums you’ve already visited more times than you can count, or tourist-y places you know better than to go to on a Saturday. Not to worry, we have four unique activities you and your friends are sure to enjoy the next time you’re looking for something fun to do.

  1. Attend a craft class. We know what you’re thinking–aren’t crafts for toddlers or grandmas? Think again. Companies like CraftJam in NYC are putting a fun twist on crafting, offering classes such as flower crown workshops, denim embroidery, and even a course that lets you make a custom leather wallet. The Newsette Network even recently attended a glass-etching class, where members made customized coffee mugs. If you’re in NYC, grab your pals and head over to one of CraftJam’s multiple exciting courses now. If you’re not, search for crafting classes in your area–you might be surprised at how many exist.
  2. Paint and Sip. Paint and sip studios take art to the next level by letting you show your creative side–while also indulging in some delicious rosé. Companies like La Pittura in NYC are BYO, meaning you can bring your own favorite bottle to the workshop. Their tagline literally states, “You provide the wine, we provide the good time!” Painting and a delicious glass of vino? We can’t think of a better time with your besties. Bonus: Who doesn’t like the calming experience of pressing a paint-coated brush to a fresh canvas? Newsette HQ can attest to La Pittura’s excellence–so what are you waiting for?
  3. Go to a farmers’ market. Getting fresh produce and snacks is always a treat, especially when greenmarkets often feature unique products like lavender bunches, fresh honey, succulents, and more. To add a twist to your market adventure, either choose a recipe for you and your friends to gather fresh ingredients for (such as a homemade green juice, or apple pie), or even play a game similar to secret santa, where you each use $5 to buy something interesting, then exchange your finds with your assigned friend. Trust me, you’ll be surprised by the type of wonders you can discover at a farmers’ market. Newsette HQ’s favorite is the Union Square Greenmarket.
  4. Create your own food tour. Look up the best Diners, Burger Places, and Ice Cream shops for inspiration, or simply explore by walking around town. Pick one place for each of the following: a great drink, an exceptional snack-food, a killer sandwich, and, finally, an indulgent dessert. By the end of your walking-trip, you’ll be full, and will have made plenty of memories.