Chloe Bridges
How The Netflix Actress Starts Her Busy Days
Morning Routine

Chloe Bridges is an actress you probably recognize from numerous shows like Pretty Little Liars, The Carrie Diaries, and, most recently, the Netflix series Insatiable. When this actress isn't on location or filming in LA, she's studying political science at Ivy League school Columbia University, or playing the piano (a skill which she studied classically for ten years). Talk about keeping busy. If that's not enough, she also happens to have an impressive social media following that consists of over seven hundred thousand fans from across the globe (NBD). Curious to know what this multi-talented star does to start a busy day? She shares her morning routine below.
8:30 A.M. I usually set my alarm for about 8:30am, on average days when I’m at home in LA and not working on a show or film. I usually go to bed around 12:30am – sometimes it can be hard to turn off the TV at night when watching something good! – and I love to get my 8 hours. If I don’t get enough sleep my brain will just decide it’s taking the day off and not working for me.
8:45 A.M. Check email and scan my Twitter feed before I get out of bed; I rarely tweet but if I don’t check Twitter I feel like I don’t know what’s going on in the world. My boyfriend usually sleeps later than me (he’s a comedian and often has late-night shows) so I use this time to try to start my day without waking him up. I try to be courteous and not turn on the lights when I get up, so sometimes there’s a stubbed toe in the mix here too.
9:15 A.M. Peloton in the house and it’s such a part of my life now that I can no longer remember what I used to do before it existed. I’m someone who needs the structure of a class or the push of a trainer to really get a good workout, so the video classes on the Peloton have been a godsend for me. I always take Robin’s 45-minute classes because she is so motivational, makes it fun, and plays a lot of hip hop, which helps me get going in the morning. By the end of the class I’m a sweaty but happy mess with 12 or 13 miles accomplished – thank you Robin!
10 A.M. Shower and wash my face with a simple Neutrogena cleanser. Out of the shower, I put on a Clinique moisturizer with SPF. I like Clinique moisturizers for daytime because they’re really light – heavier moisturizers can make it harder when I’m putting on my makeup. If I have things to do and people to see that day, then makeup comes next – Armani Luminous Silk foundation, Anastasia brow powder, drugstore liquid eyeliner, Givenchy Noir Couture mascara, and a little bronzer. If I’m feeling like spending the extra five minutes that day, then brown eyeshadow, Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer, and maybe some highlighter get thrown in the mix. If I’m just running errands that day, then I save all that for another time and just do my Anastasia brows. Brows are the one thing that I will not leave the house without.
10:30 A.M. I’m bad at eating breakfast; I’m never hungry in the morning so nothing ever sounds good to me. But I’ve started making a smoothie that satisfies the need for breakfast and coffee in one: banana, iced coffee, vanilla protein powder, ice, half an spoonful of almond butter, and a splash of simple syrup. Gets the metabolism and the brain going without being too heavy, and luckily it’s also delicious.
10:45 A.M. Depending on the day, I’m probably heading to a meeting or audition by this time! Onward with the day 🙂