5 Ways to Show Yourself Some Love This Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day can bring up mixed feelings. Whether you hate the commercialism of it, adore it, or just feel a bit “meh?” towards the entire thing, it’s still a wonderful opportunity to show yourself some love! Here’s a quick and easy guide on how to shower yourself with adoration on heart day (because you deserve it!).
Take yourself on a date
There’s something so decadent about taking yourself out on a solo date. Carve out some time this Valentine’s Day to do something that you want to do. Whether it’s sipping a latte in a cute cafe with a book, a movie, attending a new class, a shopping trip or just a spa evening at home, really taking time to get to know yourself is the perfect act of self-love. Too many of us fear it or think it’s weird to go out or spend time alone but it can be such a fun and rewarding experience if you try and remove any self-judgement!
Create a vision or happiness board
Getting creative and spending some time going big with your dreams is an instant feel-good tonic! Putting together a vision or happiness board filled with images of your goals, wants, loves and dreams can also really help you get clear on what you want to bring into your life. When you’ve finished, put the board somewhere you’ll see every day and use that as fuel to take the steps needed to make it all happen!
Have a day away from social media
If you’re not feeling so great about Valentine’s Day or your single relationship status, social media can be hugely triggering. We all know how easy it is to tumble down the “compare and despair” rabbit hole! Taking a bit of a social media detox and bringing your awareness more into the here and now can really help you relax, recharge and start to appreciate yourself and what you have on a deeper level.
Treat yourself!
Indulge in something that you might not typically splurge on! It could be a beautiful perfume you’ve been eyeing, a nice bottle of champagne and chocolates, a gorgeous bouquet of vibrant flowers, a piece of lingerie that makes you feel fabulous. Whilst self-love goes way beyond material things, it certainly doesn’t hurt to treat yourself every now and then!
It’s amazing how your environment can be a direct reflection of your mindset and how you feel. The act of decluttering can be therapeutic, rejuvenating and energetically, it clears space for the “new.” Think about how the you who truly loves herself would organise and maintain her space. If the thought seems overwhelming start small; your bedside table, work desk or closet and do a piece at a time. I assure you, it will feel so fulfilling when you’ve finished!
However you feel about Valentine’s Day, single or in a relationship, remember, it’s just another day. You have the ability to choose what you do and how it makes you feel. It isn’t determined by cards, hearts or restaurant date nights (but if that’s your thing, definitely enjoy it!). Why not set your own tone and make it all about a day of mindfully appreciating yourself, who you are, what you’ve achieved and what’s ahead?