Diane von Furstenberg
Morning Routine

Diane von Furstenberg is an icon. She revolutionized fashion with the introduction of the wrap dress, a garment made for the modern trailblazing woman that has been worn by millions, including Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton. Diane’s designs were so disruptive that Newsweek even featured her on its cover in 1976—and her impact on fashion is still celebrated today, with the wrap dress recently being immortalized in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The brand she started in her twenties has turned into one of the most prestigious design houses in the world, with its success spanning decades. Now, DVF and The Newsette have teamed up to bring you The Weekly Wrap, a weekly newsletter that explores, discusses, and celebrates what it means to be a modern woman InCharge—launching this Wednesday. Below, the former Chairwoman of the CFDA and Godmother of the Statue of Liberty shares a morning in her extraordinary life.
6:00 A.M. I wake up more or less with the sun. One of the first things I try to do is meditate for 10 minutes or at least take a moment to feel grateful. I have been meditating for 18 years, and I also do yoga, and hike on the weekends.
6:15 A.M. For breakfast, I cut myself a papaya and kiwi, then add pomegranate seeds on top. Sometimes I add yogurt. I will also drink black coffee.
6:30 A.M. I very quickly go through my email on my phone or iPad to make sure nothing terribly urgent has happened in the office. Next, I read my papers. I usually am reading the Financial Times, New York Times, WWD and BoF.
7:00 A.M. Afterwards, I start doing my email. I make sure at least two emails a day are things that don’t benefit me. I call this waving my magic wand, introducing someone to someone else they would normally not connect to.
7:15 A.M. And then I start my day.