My Fashion Week Diary: Supermodel Devon Windsor

Fashion week is a time of year that, for style insiders, is kind of like a holiday—it’s exciting…and also extremely hectic. With back-to-back runway shows, parties at night, and events in the morning, models, designers, influencers, and editors often prep for fashion week the same way one might get ready for a marathon. Lots of water. Lots of healthy food. Lots of sleep. Rinse and repeat. NYFW might be over, but the style gurus have left the states to keep the party going in London, then Milan, then Paris. Since perhaps the most hectic schedules during this time belong to the models, today we asked supermodel Devon Windsor to take us behind the curtain of fashion month.
What does fashion week preparation look like for you one month before, two weeks before, and one week before?
To be completely candid, at this point in my career preparation for fashion week doesn’t change too much from my everyday routine since I make sure that I’m maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout the year. I always focus on not overindulging during the summer months and letting myself go completely, though, this summer specifically, I have been working a lot because of my new swim line, Devon Windsor, so I haven’t had the chance to really go crazy!
Nowadays my fashion week prep really starts the week before. I make sure to hit the gym extra hard and am more strict with eating clean, but the biggest difference is mentally preparing for the next couple of weeks because they are a whirlwind!
Can you describe your very first fashion week experience? How does it differ now that you’re a runway vet?
I was so terrified leading up to and during my first fashion week! I had always heard horror stories about how crazy it could get so I really didn’t know what to expect. It was very overwhelming as a young woman because even to this day, it is a very competitive and exhausting environment to be in. A week before fashion month started I was on average going to around 10-20 castings a day which was a completely foreign concept to me. Sometimes I would go to two castings for a show, then a fitting, and even then wouldn’t be guaranteed to book it.
Fast forward 7 years, and around 14 seasons later, my experience is completely different as I’m not doing as many shows, which I actually prefer! I still do a couple of shows here and there but am able to be more selective and don’t have to go through the process of multiple castings a day. I also now get to be on the other side, attending shows and events throughout the month, which is always fun!
Can you share a typical day during fashion week/month?
8 A.M. Wake up and work out if I have time.
10 A.M. In hair and makeup for a show.
3 P.M. Walk or attend a show.
5 P.M. Head to another show or head home for another glam/outfit change.
8 P.M. Go out to my events for the evening – I have had up to four in one night!
Since fashion isn’t always as glamorous as it may seem, could you share one thing that you stress about during or before this busy time?
I always struggle with the lack of balance during fashion month because it is so crazy. You lose the ability to control any sort of schedule because it is changing every second – planning workouts, sleeping an adequate amount of time and keeping a healthy/balanced diet is nearly impossible which can really take a toll on your physical and mental state.
What or who are you most excited to see this fashion month?
I’m always excited to see the new trends and up-and-coming designers that pop up! I love fashion and am always looking to expand my wardrobe with new designers. Fashion month, though crazy busy, is one of my favorite times of the year because it feels like a massive reunion. Everyone flies in and you get to catch up with all of your friends you haven’t seen in a while.
Do you have any beauty rituals, products, or services you swear by before, after, or during fashion week?
Honestly, I barley have time to breathe during fashion week, so any sort of relaxing beauty rituals are pushed to the side until right before or after everything is over! One of the things that I always do before and after fashion week is get a facial. It’s a must to ensure my skin looks glowing during the month and gets the deep cleanse that it needs after it’s over. I also try to squeeze in workouts anywhere I can, as they always make me feel my best!