What She Does: CEO at Pizza Girl, Inc.
What She Does

As part of our mission to bring you more girl boss content, we’re investigating job titles to get the low-down on exactly what they really entail. Curious to know what being an account executive even means? Wondering what a VP in finance does in the afternoon? We’re creating more transparency around different jobs, to help you figure out what you’re interested in. Today, Caroline D’Amore, CEO of Pizza Girl, Inc.–as well as famed DJ, songwriter, and actress–breaks down what her role entails on a daily basis.
What does your job title mean?
My job title as CEO of Pizza Girl means that every day I am solving a new mission and staying on top of all aspects of my business–including product development, production, sales, and marketing.
When do you wake up?
I strive for 5am so that I can fit in a little me time with meditation and a workout, but currently, I’m waking up at 6am. Depending on the day, I wear the hats of a CEO and mommy.
I get my daughter ready for school, squeeze in my coffee addiction, and head straight to the office.
At 9am I am…
Blessed to be able to work from my home office! I review my schedule with my amazing assistant Kara. We discuss top priorities of the day, laying out strategies to make sure priority tasks for the brand are met. That can include sending samples for VIP night events that night, getting product to a sold-out retailer or prepping for a new retailer meeting. Throughout this time, I’m also checking emails and prepping for conference calls with my retailers, partners, PR, and distributors.
At 11am I am…
Being the face of a brand creates a different schedule for me daily. If I’m not at the factory working on production, testing sauces, creating recipes, I’m shooting on-air TV segments, promoting my brand, or going over marketing and sales strategies.
What does lunch normally look like for you?
There is never really a set lunchtime for me! I make sure to snack all throughout the day to keep my energy high. I have to do a lot of tasting new experimental recipes and sampling potential Pizza Girl products so that tends to be part of my lunch!
At 1pm I am…
Heading out to pick up my daughter from school! I will squeeze in a few important errands or stop by various supermarkets to check on Pizza Girl action items. Or I’ll be visiting Alice and Olivia to select outfit looks for upcoming shoots and events!
At 3pm I am…
Either in the pool with my daughter or wrapping up food demos at my retail supermarkets around Los Angeles. I personally enjoy demo days because I love interacting with my customers. Getting feedback face-to-face helps me shape my brand. My advice to emerging food brands is to be active with stores and demonstrate your product yourself so that you get instant reactions and honest feedback. Those are the best reviews!
At 5pm I am…
Preparing dinner for my daughter and responding to press opportunities such as answering interview questions–like this one!
How does a workday end for you?
At this stage in the game a work day never really ends. However, I do like to get cozy and change into one of my TYSA dresses. Slip on some butter socks. Open a bottle of wine and review my schedule for the following day. My current go-to night snack is crostinis topped with Pizza Girl puttanesca sauce.
What do you do after work?
When I’m with Isabella, my daughter, it’s all about mommy and me time. Playing games and reading books. Often I have dinner meetings, and when I don’t, a girls’ night is something I always enjoy making time for!
What time do you go to bed?
I typically turn off my phone and head to bed around 10pm. Before bed, I like to take a moment for self-care using all of my favorite Kate Sommerville products while enjoying snacks in bed and catching up on The Handmaid’s Tale.