Heather Andersen
Founder of New York Pilates
Morning Routine

Plank you, next! That’s the daily mantra of Heather Andersen, the founder of New York Pilates. With four workout studios, partnerships with brands like YSL Beauty, and a new activewear line lauded by Vogue, the Soho fitness expert is building bridges to a self-care empire (sometimes while doing bridge pose). Here’s how Heather spends her nights off the mat.
6 P.M. I’m on the elliptical machine after work. I always do cardio while watching TV on my tablet–I just finished The Borgias, which was so weird, but I was obsessed with it. There’s no fourth season though, so I’ve been rooting for this sex-crazed, blood-thirsty ancient Italian family… and then, nothing. The series just ends! I think next is Versailles. It’s on Netflix right now and, of course, you know how the French Revolution ends… not well for them, obviously, but at least you know.
7 P.M. Even if I’m headed home after working out, I still change into “real clothes.” My whole career is in fitness, so I like to wear jeans or a dress when I can. My gym bag is a Givenchy tote with a nun painted onto it–I’ve wanted it since it first came out, but I finally found it on The Real Real a couple weeks ago. I don’t like wearing logos, so I put black masking tape on top of the Givenchy one. (Sorry, Claire Waight Keller!)
8 P.M. I eat dinner really late, between 8 and 9, and it’s usually a salad and deviled eggs. (I make them the lazy way, with paprika and mayonnaise.) Then I often go out to Sel Rrose, my favorite after-work drinks spot in Soho. I’m obsessed with a drink they have called L’Arme de Rose. It’s vodka, pineapple juice, rose petals, and it comes in a pink glass with egg whites. It’s frothy and it brings me so much joy.
10 P.M. There’s a lot of screen time at home. I’ll respond to DMs—I feel like it’s part of my job, you know? When [New York Pilates] first started to take off, I would get hundreds a night. It’s a little better now, but I still feel like I need to answer every single one. I’m also always on Slack with my colleagues, and work emails, and I reply to texts from my friends immediately. You can’t mark them as unread, or your friends think you’re ignoring them!
11 P.M. My husband Brion and I are big podcast people. We lie on the couch and listen to Planet Money, or he’ll have me listen to music he thinks would be good in a pilates class playlist. We love the new FKA twigs record; we’re obsessed with her. We saw her live, and she pole-danced on stage. It was out of control.
11:30 P.M. This might be when we walk Hazel, our dog, but she doesn’t really like walks at night… Honestly, Brion taught her to pee in the shower when she was a puppy, and that’s usually what happens. She’s the chillest dog.
Midnight. I would say maybe 50% of the time, we don’t even make it to bed. We fall asleep on the couch watching a movie. We have no TV in our bedroom, which we thought was a good choice… but now we’re just on the couch! We love watching movies, though. A friend of ours has Oscar screener DVDs that she’s going to lend us, and we’re really excited about that. We need to make it through all of them before the awards start.
12:30 A.M. Listen, I don’t take off my makeup before I go to bed. I know that’s bad! But why bother? I don’t wear a lot of makeup… but I do wear mascara and eyebrow gel, and I put lip gloss on my eyes, cheek, and lips. Technically, I have a whole shelf full of things I’m supposed to do at night, but it just never happens. I promise, I do a ton of skincare in the morning, and actually, we’re starting a skincare brand! It’s called Superficial. We’re just finalizing the bottle and labels, and it’ll be made with essential oils. My friend Amy Lindwall is how I learned about skincare to begin with; she taught me everything. She’s an aromatherapist and colorist; she still does my blonde.
Bedtime. I know I’m supposed to have a silk pillow for my hair to limit breakage and whatever, but when I get into bed, I realize I love my pillows as they are, and the silk pillowcase hasn’t happened. It’s not happening. Oh well.