Blake Gifford
Attorney + Content Creator
Self-Care Diary

She’s built a solid foundation.
Blake Gifford is an attorney and beauty-loving content creator who has worked with huge names like Katy Perry, Armani, and Nike. (She’s basically Elle Woods if you replace Harvard with Spelman.) It’s safe to say Blake is constantly 1.) booked and 2.) busy—and that’s even truer now that we’re smack in the middle of the holiday season. But even with all the jealousy-inducing invites in her inbox, the most exclusive, coveted event on Blake’s calendar is a solo self-care night.
In partnership with CVS Beauty, we called the Georgia native to talk about her perfect night in, how she makes time for herself, and which products are the gifts that keep on giving.
When did you first get into beauty?
It was kind of forced on me, to be honest. As a teen, my skin was always a source of insecurity because I had really bad acne. In my late 20s, it leveled out, then I went through another round of “adult puberty” in my early 30s. Because of that, I had to start learning about products and figuring out what worked for my skin. Now that the breakouts are under control, I focus on maintenance and preventative measures.
During the holiday season, what’s your perfect night in?
I’m a big TV gal! I usually light some candles and snuggle up with my pup, Bash. I just finished binging all of Harlem, and like everyone else, I’m watching Insecure. You see a lot of commentary about how the most successful people don’t watch television. I would always feel really guilty about it, but I got to a place where I was like, “Some people knit. Some people go running. I really enjoy television.”
When do you fit in your beauty routine?
I always take my makeup off before I settle in for the night. I love the Neutrogena makeup wipes from CVS. I always have them with me, and I have the mini packs so I can take them on vacation.
What’s your typical daily makeup?
It’s pretty simple, and I do use a lot of brands you can find at your local CVS. In the pandemic, I stopped using foundations because they’re heavy on my skin. I swear by sunscreen, and I love the Ardell lashes. I got into false lashes about 3 or 4 years ago, and I went on Instagram and asked people, “What are your recommendations?” Everyone recommended Ardell, and [now] I buy them in the bulk packages from CVS. And I love a red lip! That’s always my go-to.
Is your beauty routine a chore or do you enjoy doing it?
This may be a weird thing, but sometimes I feel a bit tense when I have makeup on. It’s this sense of having to be very careful. But when I take my makeup off, it’s like taking your bra off, and when I do my skincare routine, I feel relaxed and calm. I’m proud to be able to say that because for a long time, makeup was a security blanket for me. Now that I am more confident about my skin, it feels good to take my makeup off and not feel self-conscious.
How do you prioritize self-care?
For me, it’s easier to make time for everything by putting it in my calendar versus being like, “Oh, I’ll get to it.” My skincare routine on Sunday is something I do every Sunday. I get in-home massages twice a month. I literally schedule time for everything, and my calendar is color-coordinated. You can’t pour from an empty glass, and part of rejuvenating yourself and being the best you is to feel rested and like you’re taking care of yourself.
Does your shaved hairstyle take a lot of maintenance?
My hair probably takes the most upkeep of all of it! I get a haircut every 4-6 weeks. I bleach my hair myself, then I use purple shampoo every day to make sure it doesn’t turn that weird yellow color. Then I use a lot of leave-in conditioner like Maui moisture masks because my hair can get really dry and brittle—especially in winter. I don’t use a lot of really expensive products, so I’m all for CVS. They always have great beauty deals!
What are your favorite beauty gifts for yourself and your friends + family?
I try to gift people things that I’ve tried myself. There is a Revlon Black Cherry Lipstick that I have been using since I was in law school. I’m really big into eyeliners, and I always use CoverGirl.
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