They’re On the Beach in Hawaii—literally. Oleema Miller (she / her) and Kalani Miller (she / her) are the co-founders of MIKOH, a fashion-forward swimwear brand that makes sustainable bikinis, modern loungewear sets, and the rompers of our Pogue dreams. Having grown up as competitive surfers in California, it’s no wonder they conceptualized a business that exudes travel, surf, and beachy vibes.

We called up the sisters to get the inside scoop on their dreamy Hawaiian morning routines, which include taking dips in the ocean, outdoor showers, and starting the day with a clean slate—and house.

6 A.M.
OLEEMA: I usually write in my journal. I’m reading the book The Magic which is about practicing gratitude for 28 days, so I write down 10 things I’m grateful for and it’s such a nice way to start the day. Then my boyfriend usually brings me coffee in bed, and I love dry brushing while drinking it because it feels extra decadent, I don’t know why. [Laughing.]

6:30 A.M.
OLEEMA: Waking up to the sand, sun, and ocean plays a big part in how I start my day, so by this time, I’m down on the beach walking my dogs and jumping in the water. I usually swim for around 15 minutes. One of my go-to bikinis right now is the Catalina Top paired with the Papara Bottom. It’s really comfortable and I’m obsessed with our colors. I don’t like walking around in just a bikini, so I also bring the Ahe Sarong to throw over my shoulders or wrap around my waist.

7 A.M.
OLEEMA: I’ll take a nice outdoor shower. It’s the best thing in the world! I’m the queen of beauty routines, so I have every single product under the sun. I love using body scrubs in the shower, and if I have extra time, I spend it doing weird stuff like filing my nails or doing a hair mask.
KALANI: I get up and have hot water with lemon. Then I like to follow that up with celery juice. And if I had a bad night’s sleep and woke up feeling grumpy, I do a meditation that’s focused on whatever I feel I need that day, like calmness, gratitude, or motivation.

7:30 A.M.
OLEEMA: I have bone broth for breakfast pretty much every day, which is so weird, but it’s so good. I also think a cluttered house is a cluttered mind, so I love starting the day with a clean space. I’m a firm believer in making your bed every morning, making sure there’s no dishes in the sink, and clearing off tables and surfaces, so I do that before I start working.
KALANI: I’ll throw on the Tunco Sweatshirt with the Pemba Shorts and a bikini underneath. I really like the Ishia Top with the Skye Bottom because it’s a little bit more on the skimpy side. Then I’ll take my dog to the beach. I find that if I see the ocean every single day, it makes me feel more calm and centered. I love a good bone broth, too, so I’ll usually bring that to sip on. Then I’ll take an outdoor shower as well.

8 A.M.
OLEEMA: I usually start getting calls from our office in California around this time, so I’ll get straight to work. When you own your own company, there’s no 9 to 5—it’s 24/7. I do all the creative and design, so I get to work on prints and silhouettes, pick out fabric swatches, and all of that fun stuff. I have this big deck I love to work at, but if it’s windy or rainy, I’m lucky I can see the ocean from wherever I sit inside. I never turn my back to the water. My routine in Hawaii is largely focused on the ocean and being outdoors, so being able to actually live the lifestyle we preach about is helpful to the success of our company.
KALANI: I’ll check my phone and do a little bit of work. This is weird, but lately I’ve also been going back to sleep for another half hour. It’s not normal, I know! [Laughing.] Then I’m feeling really fresh because I’ve meditated, had juice, and done a first round of work, so now I’m ready to go. I’ll make a green smoothie and take all my vitamins—I’m a big vitamin girl. Then I’ll go to a pilates class for an hour, come home, and start taking care of work.