Feng Shui is a term you’ve likely heard before–whether it be in a sitcom, or from your self-care conscious co-worker. But do you actually know what it entails? And have you ever considered incorporating it into your routine? Curious to explore this often-mentioned practice, we turned to renowned Feng Shui expert Priya Sher.
Priya’s Feng Shui lineage goes back hundreds of years to the Song Dynasty and to the Imperial Courts of China. In addition, she has undergone rigorous and extensive training with one of the world’s most skilled Masters of Feng Shui, Grand Master Chan Kun Wah. Her expertise is no doubt why Priya has worked with many celebrity clients, and why perfume brand THE HARMONIST tapped her to be its Feng Shui Master, a role which includes aiding in the company’s mission of creating harmony in every aspect of the fragrance selection experience. Below, Priya answers our questions about all-things Feng Shui.

Can you explain Feng Shui?

The words Feng Shui mean “wind water.” Wind disperses energy and water holds energy. Its principles maintain that we live in harmony with our environment. Its aim is to achieve balance in your living & working space and maximize your potential for success in all areas of your life. Feng Shui put very simply is maximizing your potential by balancing the energy of your space.

How does it work?

It’s studying the flow and movement of energy within a space and purposefully guiding it to offer the greatest benefit to the occupants. Both the form and compass orientation of a property is analyzed to assess the energy within and the occupants’ astrology is also considered, so that the space can be optimized to suit them. Just as a space consists of yin and yang energy and the five elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood, so do we. Our date of birth gives our elemental and yin and yang balance.

Why is it important to incorporate Feng Shui into your home?

By incorporating Feng Shui into your home you will improve the energy of your space which will result in your own energy being uplifted. Each part of your home reflects a different family member, aspect of your life and organ in your body. Therefore, when the Feng Shui of your home is balanced then all the family can benefit. The occupants can lead a healthier and more prosperous life since you absorb the energy of any place you spend time in. Thus, it’s vital that you optimize the energy of your space so that it can support you and allow opportunities to flow to you with greater ease.

Why is it important to incorporate Feng Shui into your workplace/office?

We spend a large part of our life in our workspace, so we should ensure that the environment here is healthy and positive. When we implement Feng Shui into our workspace not only can we enhance our creativity and organizational skills, but we can also improve the quality of our work and create more harmony with our colleagues. A balanced workspace should feed your energy and not drain it. When the energy at work is positive then it will also be reflected in a more harmonious home life.

What are 3 things/changes our readers can do or make to Feng Shui their space?

  1. One of the most important areas is the front door. Ensure it opens smoothly and is in good condition as it represents wealth. To draw the energy to your front door place a beautiful plant and light on either side of the door.
  2. In your workspace ensure you position the desk so that you have command of the room. The desk should ideally be positioned diagonally opposite the door and you should have a solid wall behind your chair.
  3. Plants are a remarkable Feng Shui remedy. They bring natural living chi which improves the vitality of your space. They are very effective in fighting against rising levels of air, noise and electromagnetic pollution. Place a plant at home in your entrance hall to invite positive energy inside. In your workspace place a peace lily plant on your desk beside your computer to remove toxins and reduce electronic pollution.