Remi Ishizuka did what most of us daydream about–she quit her office job to pursue her passion. Previously a manager at an interior design firm, Remi now shares her relatable tips to living a more colorful and healthy life. She got her start by posting healthy breakfast bowls on Instagram, which allowed her to build a dedicated following, but quickly transitioned into a full-fledged lifestyle blogger. Now, four years later, Remi’s a Global Adidas Ambassador, and has just relaunched her impressive blog. Wondering how this wellness guru ends her busy day? Scroll below to find out.
6:30 P.M. At this time, I’m finishing up work, then going to Lagree pilates or Equinox if I didn’t get my workout done in the morning. If I’m still working, I’m moving over to the couch to engage with my readers on my blog, Instagram and IG stories. I usually spend an hour each day (or more) on this! It takes time but I truly love and appreciate hearing from my readers and a lot of times, they have helpful insight for me too! So it’s a win-win.
7 P.M. Around 7 P.M. I start pulling out my recipe cards from Home Chef. Lately, I’ve been getting their meal delivery kits for 3-4 dinners a week. I love it because my boyfriend will usually help me cook, so we spend quality time in the kitchen together and don’t have to wonder what’s for dinner. Plus Home Chef foods are comfort food but with a healthy twist, so it’s a perfect balance.
8 P.M. After dinner, I’ll spend time washing and putting all the dishes away, wiping the countertops and making the kitchen look “fresh” for the morning. I’ll also spend some time cleaning and tidying up my desk while Netflix is playing in the background. This consists of clearing it of used cups and mugs, putting everything back in its place, throwing boxes and trash away, and getting it ready for the next workday. I recently turned my living room into my office space a couple months ago so it’s so important for me to keep it clean! I’ll also choose the workout clothes I’m going to wear the next morning and put them next to my bed.
8:30 P.M. Ever since coming back from my Japan trip, I’ve been obsessed with taking baths. If my hot water hasn’t run out lol, you bet I’ll be soaking in Rose Quartz bath potion from Etre Bien after dry brushing. I’ll light a candle, have Alexa play James Blake and zone out while taking deep breaths. It’s my favorite way to unwind.
9 P.M. After soaking in the bath for half an hour I’ll floss and brush my teeth.  I’ve been using Burst Oral Care electric toothbrush which has charcoal bristles that help collect plaque and germs. Then I’ll slather on some Shiseido Revitalizing Essense, followed by my Olio Lusso face oil, La Mer moisturizer and La Mer eye cream. My skincare changes based on what my skin is craving at the time but this is what I’ve been using recently!
9:30 P.M. At 9:30 I’ll make myself a glass of magnesium water (1 scoop of Clean Program magnesium) with 1.5 cups of water and drink that before going to bed. It helps me fall asleep faster and relax. The last thing I do is spend 5 minutes writing in my journal from Intelligent Change which I keep next to my bed. I’ve been committing to it every morning and every night to see some positive personal growth over time!
9:30-10 P.M I’ll be in bed so I can wake up at 6 A.M and work out.