Jessica Mason
CEO & Founder of Piglet
Pillow Talk
5 P.M. When I lived in London, I used to work quite late into the night. But since moving [to Chicago], that’s shifted… Now, I get up at 4:30 and start work at 5 (to maximize my time with the team in the UK). By 5, I’m usually ready to call it a day.
5:30 P.M. I try to get in a workout. It’s either yoga or a gym session. (We have a great gym in our building which is super nice.) It’s difficult because what I really want is to be slobbing around, so the hardest part is persuading myself to go… But if I get there it gives me a new burst of energy.
6:30 P.M. This is probably my favorite part of the day; I’ll have a really nice, long shower. I think especially if you’re someone who works from home, you need something that separates your work day from your personal time and I find that ritual really helps me chill out a bit.
7 P.M. I’m the world’s most unenthusiastic cook. I have absolutely no interest in it at all. I like eating, but the idea of cooking and the mess, ugh. Luckily my fiancé is much better [but] if I’m alone, I’ll order something and turn on Netflix and have a binge… I just finished The Goop Lab and I loved it.
8 P.M. After dinner, I do all the things that come up that I can’t avoid, whether that’s customer emails or the things I can’t get out of… but most things, I can leave until the next day. You need that headspace to think a bit more creatively and a little less dictated by what your inbox is telling you to do.
8:30 P.M. Skin care time. One of the first jobs I had out of college was with the skincare brand Aesop, and I’m still super loyal to their products. My go-to favorites are face cleansing milk and their exfoliant paste. I’m also on a facial massage kick at the moment and trying all the oils I can find. One that I’ve had my entire life is Bio-Oil and I’m obsessed with it.
9 P.M. try to have an hour of “less” screen time before bed. (I like to switch off the TV and try to get away from my phone, though I’m not great at it.) In the UK, we launched a book club with Bloomsbury, so I’m reading our February book called House of Trelawney by Hannah Rothschild. The book club is all female authors, it’s all pretty challenging and contemporary, and so far it’s all been fiction. Usually I’m not a fiction reader because I feel like I need to read non-fiction in order to be productive, so this has been a good push for me to get back into fiction.
9:30 P.M. Because I get up so early, once we get past 9:30, it’s anyone’s guess as to when I’m going to fall asleep…