D’ana Nunez
Artist & Founder of COVL
Pillow Talk

D’ana knows how to draw a crowd. As the multimedia artist behind the brand COVL (which stands for craft, onward, versatility, and lifestyle), she’s landed some pretty cool gigs, including recent projects with Instagram, Netflix, and Mindy Kaling.
When it comes to working creatively, D’ana understands the importance of setting boundaries. “I think freelancers especially have this mentality that there are no days off,” she says. “But it’s up to us to break that habit and create space for ourselves.” We talked with her about how she winds down after work, her favorite Whole Foods skincare hack, and why she falls asleep with the TV on.
7 P.M. On good days, this is when I wrap up. What really helps my workflow and my productivity is allowing myself space to know that creativity isn’t easy to have on a day-to-day basis. It can be very overwhelming and sometimes exhausting, so I tend to create a schedule that allows me freedom.
7:30 P.M. I get a workout in. It’s kind of my break away to say, “I’m done with work, now it’s me time.” I use the Nike Training Club app… it’s got different classes and routines and it’s free. We love things that are free.
8:30 P.M. I’m trying to put healthy habits in place… and that includes what I’m eating. I make this powerhouse salad with kale, raw red onion, sunflower seeds, chicken, feta cheese, sweet potatoes, and when I’m feeling spicy, I’ll add cauliflower or something. It’s so easy. Just roast your veggies and add olive oil and salt.
9:00 P.M. After nine, I am watching my shows, catching up on pop culture, or reading a book. I just binged Gentefied on Netflix… It’s about a Mexican family that owns a restaurant, trying to shape their business so they don’t get kicked out of their neighborhood. It’s in “Spanglish,” the cast is amazing, and it’s so relevant to what mom-and-pop shops go through.
10:45 P.M. I just recently got into skincare. At night, I do my full routine: cleansing, moisturizing, and then I use an oil. Right now, I use ACURE religiously. I feel like the ingredients are great and it’s probably the first product I’ve used where I don’t feel like my skin is overly dry or breaking out. For my oil, I just go to Whole Foods and buy the 365 brand grapeseed oil and it’s fire. It’s like $5 and does the job of a high-end serum.
11:00 P.M. I like to sleep with background noise. Growing up in a Hispanic household, I used to fall asleep on the couch while there were mad parties going on, so I’ll usually put on a show or movie I’ve seen before… it’s comforting.